Toys R Us in Time Square With The Leica M9

Toys R Us in Times Square During Christmas Time:

This is a quick post from Toys R Us in Times Square.  What a cool place…I sure wished they had a Toys R Us like this one when I was a kid.  There’s a ferris wheel, a T-Rex, and multiple figurines/statues of super heroes everywhere.  This Toys R Us has every toy imaginable.  I was at the two day sale with my girlfriend, and it was completely insane.  Crowds everywhere…it was like a mad house in there :).  But we were able to get what we needed, and I was also able to get a couple of pics with my Leica M9 and 35 Summicron ASPH.  A win-win :).

↑ Tyrannosaurus Rex from Jurassic Park.

So on with the photos.  None of these photos were shot wide open…To be honest, I’m getting a little tired of seeing all of these wide open photos from Leicas…don’t get me wrong, I LOVE shooting wide open myself as well but I think people sometimes forget that Leica lenses perform excellently at ALL apertures.

These photos here were all shot at ƒ4 or ƒ5.6 at 1000 ISO.  There was no noise reduction done to them.  I’m actually happy with the performance of the Leica M9 at higher ISO. The 35 Summicron ASPH is a killer when it comes to contrast and color (it’s actually a killer when it comes to pretty much everything else as well).  I love this lens on the M9.  And BTW, even at ƒ5.6, it’s still very three-dimensional as you can see in the photo below of Iron Man.

↑ Iron Man!  

All I know is: I don’t think I will ever go to Toys R Us during a Christmas sale ever again :).  Just imagine Times Square here in New York City on a weekend, and all those people going into Toys R Us.  Well, it might not be ALL those people but it sure felt like it.  This is why I prefer, and usually do all my shopping online at places like Amazon, which basically has everything anyway.  But that’s just me.  At least I had an excuse to use my Leica M9 :).

 ↑ Superman aka. The Man of Steel :).

↑ It’s unbelievable that Toys R Us was able to put this into their store especially since space is a premium in New York City…especially Times Square.  

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