Hello Leica M3…Going to Shoot With Film Again

Time to Dust Off The Old Leica M3:

As I said in my 50 Summicron review, I got to playing with my Leica M3, and really started to miss shooting with it.  The Leica M3 is the ultimate Leica.  It was built to last, and my double stroke beauty has gone through three generations in my family so far.  It was stored in my great uncle’s (the original owner) basement for decades, and when my dad found it, he sent it back to Leica NJ to see what they could do with it.  Leica ended up doing a great job restoring the camera, and since then, it has never failed.

Getting Back to The Basics With The Leica M3:

It’s funny because it’s been about a year since I decided not to pursue my pharmacy career, and go into whatever photography has in store for me.  If you don’t know my story, feel free to go to my “About Me” page on my blog.  I have so many cool ideas that I want to try, so many things that i want to pursue in photography, and so many plans to take pictures but I can’t seem to get what I quite want right now.  This blog is doing good, and btw, thanks to those who visit here, and to those who have supported this blog by purchasing items from my affiliates, such as, Amazon and Adorama.  But as of now, I’m in a bit of a funk…digital boredom maybe?  So I think I’m going to change it up by going back to film.

↑ Loading film in the Leica M3 is slightly different than loading it into an M6.  You have to take a spool out, and attach the leader of film to it.

I haven’t shot film since I bought my Leica M9 but I really want to go back to it.  I want to go back to the basics for a bit.  I will still post from my M9…in fact, I am planning on taking some cityscape photos maybe Tuesday in the hopes of using some for stock.  Plus I will definitely post some stuff from the Fuji X-Pro1 when I get it.  For those who don’t know, I pre-ordered the Fuji X-Pro1 and all three lenses so stay tuned for that. But as of now, I definitely want to shoot with my M3.  I honestly miss its simplicity.  I love my M3 because it literally has NO electronics.  It’s completely mechanical, no batteries, no nothing, and it’s only purpose is to take pictures.  No photoshop, no display read out in the viewfinder…heck no other lens but a 50mm.  Remember, it only has three framelines (50, 90, and a 135), and well…I only have a 50mm :).  Oh, and guess what?  The Leica M3 has a 0.91x magnification viewfinder, and it is awesome!  I really miss that.

To me, the Leica M3 is like a Porsche 911 because both are designed to give its user pure joy for their intended purposes.  The 911 is a pure driver’s car.  It’s all about feeling the road, and the passion for driving.  Even Porsche’s top of the line car, the GT2, only comes with a manual gear box even though they could’ve increased acceleration times if they put one of those paddle shifters in.  The Leica M9 is the closest thing that you’ll get to that feeling in digital, and that’s why I love it so much.  But I want something even more basic…more raw.  Back in the day, the Leica M3 helped me fall in love with photography, and I think I kind of need that right now to get me back on track.  No photoshop, no 300 photos in my memory card, no nothing…just the joy of capturing images :).  It should be interesting experience especially since I’m limiting myself to Kodak Ektar, and one lens.  Plus, I haven’t shot film in a very long time.  Hopefully, I still remember how to shoot film :).

8 comments… add one
  • Glen Converse Link Reply

    I’m with you 100% on the Leica M3. I bought a beauty on Ebay (high numbers, millions), sent it for a check up with Youxin Ye and am anxiously awaiting it return. My Summicron 50mm is on the way from Ebay via Boston as I speak. I am jonesin’ for the first roll of Tri-X extravaganza awaiting me with its arrival.
    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on analog images.

    • Patrick Link Reply

      Hi Glen,

      The Leica M3 is my favorite Leica of all time. Mine was passed down to me by my Great Uncle. My dad sent it in to get it running again, and since then it has had no problems whatsoever. My first lens was the 50 Summicron. It matches so perfectly with the M3. When I get a chance, I will post some photos with the M3. I hope your M3 arrives back soon, and please keep me posted when you take some photos with it! It’s nice to have you looking around here, thanks for stopping by!



  • Lovely write up. The M3 is truly a special camera. It feels so incredibly good in the hand and it just makes you want to get out there and shoot! We recently featured a full technical review of the M3:

    Thanks for the article!

    • Patrick Link Reply

      Thank you for your comment! The M3 is probably the only Leica I will never sell, especially since it was my Great Uncle’s. It’s a great camera that really brings you back to the essentials of photography. Great review of the M3 btw! Thanks for sharing it!

      Take care!

      • I don’t think I will ever sell my Leica M3. Luckily film is not going away any time soon!

        I’m glad you enjoyed your review! I really like your site, you have a great “voice” when you write. (I hope that makes sense.?)

        Have a good week!

      • Patrick Link

        Thanks, I appreciate that! Come back soon, I will definitely be coming out with some new stuff. Take care, and you have a good week as well!

  • Keith Thomas Link Reply


    Thanks for posting your very nice photos. I am a long time Hasselblad and Leica M user. Just curious as to what scanner you are using for the Hassie?
    Good shooting.


    • Patrick Link Reply

      Hi Keith!

      Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for your kind words. I actually send them out. The lab (which was the Film Box Lab) uses the Fuji Frontier scanner. Let me know if you have any other questions,

      Best regards,


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