My Fuji X-Pro1 Arrived:
I just came back from my camera dealer, and I am so psyched! I finally have with me the Fuji X-Pro1 and both the XF 18mm F2.0 and the XF 35mm F1.4 lenses. The XF 60mm F2.4 Macro is coming out later. I took a few pics of the X-Pro1 so you can see it, and gave you a few of my first impressions.
Fuji X-Pro1 First Impressions:

↑ The Fuji X-Pro1 with the XF 18mm F2.0 lens.
My battery is still charging but I got a chance to try out my dealer’s demo, and from my initial test, I really like it. I don’t want to comment on image quality just yet but once I do some damage with this camera, I will tell you what I think about it. But from what I can tell so far, image quality is great, and reminds me of the Fuji X100. Also, high ISO is awesome but that was to be expected considering how good the high ISO was on the X100. Lastly, I also think it runs a bit smoother than the X100.

↑ A side by side comparison between the X-Pro1 and X100.
The camera itself is a little light but it feels good in the hands. It’s a little bigger than my X100 and M9. I actually found the X-Pro1 a bit ugly from the photos all over the web but in person, it’s much more attractive. The Fuji X100 sometimes made me feel like I was shooting with a toy when compared to my M9 but the X-Pro1 definitely feels more like a “real” camera. That’s not to knock the X100 in anyway. The X100 is an excellent camera. What else? The lenses are nice but really light in weight.

↑ My X-Pro1 kit so far: The X-Pro1, the XF 35mm F1.4, and the XF 18mm F2.0. The XF 60mm F2.4 Macro is coming out soon.
I will be going out later tonight to shoot some photos with the Fuji X-Pro1, and I will definitely post them here. My review of the X-Pro1 will come later as I familiarize myself with the camera. I am seriously psyched about this camera. I wasn’t expecting to be this happy to shoot with it but it’s pretty nice from what I see so far. I will post more about the Fuji X-Pro1 later. For now, check out the photos, and thanks for stopping by!

↑ The back of the X-Pro1.