How Does The Fuji X-Pro1 Perform?:
First off, I need to get this out of the way: I absolutely love the Fuji X-Pro1. I made it a point to not really read too much about the X-Pro1 so I could really give it my own fair, and unbiased judgement on it. I’m glad I didn’t because I did see some pretty harsh criticism about the X-Pro1, and to be fair, there is some justification for that. But the overall package is excellent! I was out last night, and I shot almost 150 photos with it. Today, I shot around 40. I woke up thinking about the Fuji X-Pro1. Honestly, because of the X-Pro1, I’m falling in love with photography again.

↑ The colors are wonderful coming out of the X-Pro1. They’re not overly saturated. Shot with the XF 35mm at F1.4.
I’m not going to say to much just yet since my review of the Fuji X-Pro1 is coming very shortly. All I will say is that the X-Pro1 is not perfect. It will not be as good as your Leica M9 (more on that in my review). While there are a few issues that I think I could live without, there are so many more good things about the X-Pro1 that they far out way whatever negatives that some may have with this camera. A camera in many ways is an extension of you. You have to feel like you’re comfortable to shoot with whatever you got. While there are some negatives to the Fuji, the overall message…the overall experience is there: It really operates like a rangefinder (even though it’s not one), and I absolutely loved shooting with it. It feels absolutely great in the hands, and the lenses (while a little light for my tastes) perform great. It gets my creative juices flowing…it really makes me actively look for potential photos, and that’s what I look for in a camera. I don’t really care for the little issues that it may have because I’ll learn to live with them, and no camera is perfect. I just want a camera that will make me want to use it, and take wonderful photos with it, and this Fuji X-Pro1 delivers.

↑ 23rd St. on the Westside in Manhattan shot with the XF 35mm at F1.4
First Photos With The Fuji X-Pro1:
Anyway, I don’t want to say to much because I’m still using it, and I will be writing a review of it very shortly. I was expecting to use this camera for a little longer before I wrote my thoughts about the Fuji but I really want you all to know what I think about it. I can barely contain myself :). For now, here are some Jpegs I shot that came straight out of the camera with NO photoshopping. Unfortunately, the Fuji X-Pro1 isn’t supported by Adobe Camera Raw just yet. The black and white photos were converted with Nik Software Silver Efex Pro 2. Hope all of you enjoy, and please stay tuned for more stuff coming from the Fuji X-Pro1, and a review very shortly! Thanks again for coming by!

↑ I heard somewhere that there isn’t much bokeh with the Fuji lenses. I disagree. This was shot at F1.4 with the XF 35mm lens.

↑ Again, I love the gentle colors coming out of the Fuji. This was shot with the XF 35mm lens.

↑ Shot with the XF 35mm lens. Both the Fuji lenses are very sharp.

↑ This was shot at F1.4 with the XF 35mm lens. One thing that I noticed is that the new XF lenses are much more three dimensional than the Fuji X100.

↑ This was shot with the XF 35mm lens. It’s a little foggy because the glass window was dirty.

↑ This was shot with the XF 18mm lens (27mm equivalent). I love this lens, and I usually don’t like 28mm lenses.

↑ Here’s another shot with the wonderful XF 18mm lens.

↑ There are always a lot of peopel hiring professional photographers to take photos of them on the High Line. This was shot with the XF 35mm lens.

↑ Another shot with the XF 35mm lens.

↑ New York City as the sun begins to set. This was shot with the XF 18mm lens.
Some Macro Shots With The Fuji X-Pro1:
Here are some shots taken with the XF 35mm F1.4 with the camera on the macro setting. the XF 60mm F2.4 is not out yet so I have to make due with the 50mm equivalent. Again, these are jpegs straight out of the camera with no photoshop work done to them. The bokeh is pretty nice and smooth.

↑ I love orchids. While it’s no Leica bokeh, it’s still very nice and smooth.

↑ More orchids…

↑ One last one.
Fuji X-Pro1 High ISO:
The high ISO on the Fuji X-Pro one is awesome. Check out a shot I took in near total darkness at 6400 ISO.

↑ This is incredible for 6400 ISO. More on ISO capability in my Fuji X-Pro1 review. Stay tuned!