Cracked Sensor in My Leica M9 Fixed And Back From Leica NJ:
As some of you may know, my sensor on my Leica M9 cracked a little while ago. If you’re new to my blog, you can check out the two posts HERE and HERE. To give you a quick recap, I brought it to my local dealer (Bergen County Camera), and Bob said he would take care of it. He was nice enough to bring it over to Leica NJ for me. Originally, Leica NJ told him that I might not even see my My till June because sensors were backordered.

However, I received a call two days ago from Bob who told me that my Leica M9 was back! It was a very pleasant surprise! I originally brought it back at 3/30/12, and I got a call on 4/25/12 that my camera was fixed. That’s less than a month. I can’t help but think that it definitely helped to have an established Leica dealer like Bob help me out. Again, I don’t get paid to say any of this. Bergen County Camera is one awesome store, and I people should know.

Also, if Leica NJ is listening, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FIXING MY CAMERA SO FAST! Leica NJ not only replaced my sensor under warranty, they replaced the leather without even asking me! Furthermore, there was not a spec of dust, grease stain or anything on my M9. They tightened the screw on my baseplate, and I think that they gave me a CLA (clean, lube, and adjustment). I don’t care what anyone says, Leica NJ does great service. I’m not just talking about with my M9. I had many cameras that I’ve sent back in the past, including an old M3 that was stored in the basement for decades, and each time the cameras come back, they’re like new. Thanks again Leica NJ, and thanks for all of you for stopping by!
Hello Patrick,
It’s Michael again. Note this post & I wish to ask you how to check M9-P & MM that there is a sensor crack problem? Appreciate your kind advice!
Hi Michael,
I’m glad to see you back here. I didn’t even know I had a cracked sensor, and found out by accident. I was showing my friend what a full frame sensor looked like, and I saw a small line on the corner of my sensor. At first I thought it was a hair or something but on closer inspection, I realized it was a crack. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions,
Hi Patrick, Thank you for your explanation. This is physical inspection. I was thinking if there are any way to check the images on screen & we can notice a cracked sensor issue? Any way, I was just curious.
Thanks so much again.
Hey Michael,
If I didn’t notice the crack on the sensor, I probably would’ve never noticed the crack on the images. It will show up as a line on the images but for me, it was really hard to see. Once I saw the crack on the sensor, I was able to find it on the images. If I recall correctly, if you stop down your lens, you’ll be able to see it better. It will show up on all of them in the same place. Do you think you have a crack?
Thank you Patrick.
So far, no & I hope not. But thanks for the tips.
It will be helpful for me to take note in future.
No problem, Michael. If you ever get it, they’ll replace it for free anyway.
lovely camera with CCD sensor.
Yes, definitely agree with you!