Leica M And 75 Summilux Photos at a Mycle Wastman Performance:
Hey everyone. Last Thursday, I went take pictures of a Mycle Wastman performance in the lower East side of Manhattan. I didn’t know much about him…only that he was on the TV show called The Voice, which I’ve never watched before. But he was really good. His voice was very strong, and impressive. I brought my Leica M, and a few of my lenses but ended up using my 75 Summilux for the most part.
I used the Leica EVF2 to help me focus my 75 Summilux, and it worked like a charm. All images were shot at F1.4 because there was very little light, and most images here were shot between 5000 t0 6400 ISO with one or two at 3200 ISO. I haven’t used my 75 Summilux in quite some time, so it was not only great to use it, it was pretty cool that I ended up using it for most of my shots. One thing great about the Leica M cameras is the ability to use all of this old glass…I love it. This lens was actually bought new by my dad when it first came out, and now it’s being used on the latest Leica M. Very neat.
I hope you all like the photos. I have more photos but I haven’t really had the chance to look at them yet. Maybe I’ll post a few later on. Sorry for the smaller than usual photos…having trouble uploading today. Thanks for stopping by today!

Hello Patrick,
It is alway very nice to see you post.
The images from the M240 are great especially @ the higher ISO. Noise is well handled. The colors are very rich; may be richer than the M9-P.
Good ones!
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your kinds words! It’s always great to hear from you as always, and I’m glad you like them. The more I use the M 240, the more I love what it can produce. I will be putting up a big black and white post soon (all shot with the M 240), so if you’re interested, please feel free to come back. I think I’ll make it a part three of my M review. Anyway, I hope all is well with you, and thanks again for commenting!
Take care,
Great site Patrick. Been reading up on your blog and I like it very much. I found your blog while reaerching about the 75mm Lux. Really loving how it renders and your posts about it are just want I need to seriously consider purchasing this lens. Thanks and looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Hi Kerwin,
Thanks, Kerwin! I appreciate you taking the time to check out my site! Yes, the 75 Lux is a classic, and one of my favorite lenses. I didn’t use it as much for a while because I found it difficult to focus with my M9 but it focuses a lot better on the M 240. The only complaint I really have is it’s a little big. I’ll definitely be posting more from it in the coming weeks. Thanks for stopping by!
All the best,
Thanks for the warning Patrick. I will be using it on my M9 for the moment since I’m still waiting to get an M240. Looks like the wait is still going to be long for the M240. I read that using the Leica Magnifier on the M9 will help with focus. Looking forward to more posts about the 75mm Summilux.
Hey Kerwin,
Great hearing from you again. Yeah, I was speaking to my camera dealer, and he told me the 75 Lux is supposedly pretty hard to calibrate for the M9. However, you might luck out because my uncle’s 75 worked great with his M9. My advice would be to definitely give it a try before you buy.
But you’re right, the Magnifier is suppose to help a lot. On the M 240, I don’t know what Leica did differently in designing it (if they even changed it) but it focuses perfectly with all my lenses even the 75. This is my second M 240 too…my first was replaced by Leica when I sent it in for the eyelet issue. Both M 240s worked great with all my lenses.
The other option is you might want to also consider the EVF for the M 240…it helps a lot, especially with the focus peaking. Plus, if you have some wide angles lenses or if you’re planning on purchasing some, you’d only have to carry one external viewfinder.
It’s always great talking to you about Leica stuff. I’ll post some stuff with the 75 soon, hope to hear from you soon :).
Take care,
Hi Patrick,
I will try to find a good copy of the 75mm Lux and see how it goes. Keeping fingers crossed that the one that I will get will be okay on my M9.
I can’t wait to get an M240 and use it with the EVF2. I was only able to try out the M240 at a Leica boutique and it was a very positive experience. Now all I can do is wait till more units will be available.
Hey Kerwin,
Good luck with finding a good copy of the 75 Lux. It’s a wonderful lens, and price is pretty decent when compared to some of the prices for the old Noctilux.
I think you’ll love the M 240 once you get it. I loved my M9 but the M 240 is really fantastic…I can’t say enough good things about it. The more I shoot with it, the more it impresses me, especially the files. My M3 was always my favorite M camera but now, it’s definitely the new M. It’ll be worth the wait. Again, good luck to you with finding a good copy of the 75.
Take care,