Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Refillable Binder Review:
Printing work is still one of the best ways to view and share what you’ve created. In my opinion, nothing has the same impact as a large print. I recently bought a fully equipped Macbook Pro with Retina Display, and a decent photographic print still gives me more of a “wow” factor. It’s not just the visual effects that gives a print such an impact; it’s also the fact that unlike a digital file, a print is actually tangible. To me, a print is sort of like a reward or the final culmination of all the work I had to do to get my photo to it’s final stage. This includes going out there and finding a photograph worth printing and coming home to process it. The best part is nowadays, you don’t always have to pay a huge sum to get a decent quality print, which should be even more incentive for people to show their work in print form. For months, I’ve toyed with the idea of finding a new way to display my photographic work to people, and to just have some prints for my own personal collection. That’s how I ended up finding the Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Refillable Binder.
Why I Chose The Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Refillable Binder:
This is not something I normally review, and I probably wouldn’t consider this a full on typical review but it is photo related, and I wanted to share my thoughts on it with you all here since, I actually couldn’t find a whole lot of information on the Itoya binder myself. I figured I’d show you all big photos of how this binder looks like because I’m sure there are some who are curious about this product, and like me, was a little hesitant to buy the binder because they weren’t sure if it would fit their needs.
I’ll start by telling you what I was looking for to display my work. I wanted something durable, clean looking, professional, and easy to transport. Since I knew it was something I was going to show to a lot of people, I didn’t want to spend too much because I know it will go through it’s fair share of wear and tear. I don’t like fingerprints on my photos but I know I’ll probably get a few, and if I spend too much, it’ll probably make me feel worse. I also wanted something where I could easily replace the pages or add more pages if I choose to in the future. The Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Refillable Binder seemed to fit all of my requirements near perfectly, and luckily for me, my sister and brother in-law got it for me as a Christmas gift.
Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Refillable Binder Build Quality:
For the price, I think Itoya makes a very decent binder here. The rigid exterior is made out of polypropylene which is both durable and light. I own the version that hold 11×17 prints in portrait format but there are many different sizes to choose from. You can also get this binder in landscape form. I really wanted something in the 3:2 ratio but I know that’s pretty rare from any manufacturer. But it’s okay because I am currently putting 10×15 prints in the binder, and the extra space actually frames the pictures very nicely. Plus, the extra space gives people an area to hold, so they are less likely to grab onto the prints directly.

↑ The Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Refillable Binder.
My reason for choosing the 11×17 size was simple: I chose 11×17 because I felt it was the largest size that I could get away with while still being able to comfortably travel with on crowded trains, buses, and streets. I like to keep a pretty fast pace when I’m walking around, and I hate being burdened with extra weight or bulky items. That’s why I usually prefer carrying just one camera and one lens when I’m out shooting most of the time if I can get away with it.
What’s included in the binder are 10 Itoya PolyGlass Pages refill sheets with pH neutral acid-free black paper mounting inserts. These are crystal clear sheets and some of the best in quality that I’ve seen. The clarity is simply excellent. I don’t think anyone will be disappointed with them. The binder rings are made out of black matte precision steel, so it’s not a problem if you wanted to add more than the included 10 sheets. It can definitely handle the added weight from the extra sheets and prints. Also, the pages can lie flat when you open the binder, which is great when you want to show people your photos.

↑ Black matte precision steel binder rings hold the pages securely.

↑ The Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Binder comes with 10 Itoya PolyGlass Pages refill sheets which are ultra clear.

↑ The Itoya multi-ring binder lies flat making it easier for people to see your work.
Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Refillable Binder Verdict:
Bottom line is, I’m very happy with the Itoya binder. If you’re looking for a low key, no-nonsense binder for your work that will do exactly what it’s suppose to do, which is carry your photos comfortably and safely, then the Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Refillable Binder is a great choice. It’s very durable and it doesn’t cost a fortune, so I won’t feel too bad having people go through the photos and sometimes leaving fingerprints everywhere or getting things dirty in general. Everything here can be easily and relatively cheaply replaced if they need to be and I can also add more or take some photos out any time. Best of all, everything here is also archival safe.

↑ The Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Binder is a great way to show your work.
The only thing I would change is the PolyGlass Pages sheets. They are great for people who like them. They are super clear as advertised and archival safe, so I have no complaints with them at all in terms of quality but I didn’t want my photos to be encased in anything. I usually print on Kodak Endura Metallic paper, and therefore, I did not want to block the metallic shine with a plastic sheet. No matter how clear the sheets are, my photos will still be behind them.

↑ I attached my photo, which is displayed here (taken with the Fuji X-T1 and Zeiss Touit 12mm F2.8), on an Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Mounting Board.
This was easily solved with the Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Mounting Boards, which are acid-free black boards that I can use to mount my photos directly on them. This was another reason why I chose the Itoya binder over other manufacturers’ products. It’s like Itoya read my mind because I find the mounting boards are perfect for my needs. For those who are interested in these mounting boards, you can read my Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Mounting Board Review. Overall, if you want a reasonably priced, durable, and professional looking binder for your photographic work, the Itoya Art Profolio Multi-Ring Binder might just be the binder you’ve been looking for.