A Visit to Park Slope With The Fuji XF 35mm F2 Lens:
I went over to Park Slope yesterday to visit a friend because he’s hugely into photography like me, and he wanted to see the new Fuji XF 35mm F2 R WR lens. For those who don’t know, Park Slope is part of Brooklyn. I don’t visit it much but I should. It actually has some great places to eat, and a beautiful park (Prospect Park) whose designers, I believe, also designed Central Park.

In addition to bringing the XF 35mm F2 lens and my X-T1, I also brought along my XF 35mm F1.4 and my tripod. As I mentioned earlier, my friend is also into photography, so he had no problem or should I say, he didn’t get bored assisting me in taking some comparison shots between the two lenses. I wanted these photos because in addition to my upcoming review of the 35mm F2, I thought it would be cool to write up a comparison between the two Fuji 35mm lenses.

I know some of you are celebrating Thanksgiving, so I will keep this post short. It turned out that I spent a lot more time than I expected comparing the two lenses but I did have some time left over to take a few pics for fun before I had to go home, and that’s what I’m sharing with all of you today.

I will be posting more with the XF 35mm F2 R WR lens very soon. In fact, you’ll probably see some stuff this weekend. I will also be posting my review up soon as well in addition to some film. I have plans to shoot with my Hasselblad this weekend (and maybe even the Leica M6), and quite frankly, I can’t wait! It’s been a long time since I’ve had a chance to shoot medium format. So, thanks for stopping by, and for those who celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a good one!

I really would like to know what you think about the f2 lens compared to the f1.4.
In terms of overall build and feel i think you already have a winner right 🙂
Greetings from Cologne,
Hi Elderin,
That is such a hard question to answer lol. I’ve been writing up a comparison test and even with that, I still don’t know which one I would prefer more. So I am sticking with my F1.4 version for now. In terms of build and overall feel, the F2 version is the winner. It’s more solid, the focusing is quieter, and there’s none of that hollowness that I sense from the older version. The added benefit is its compactness. But the F1.4 aperture is quite nice to have not just for the extra stop but for what it can do in photos. Plus, the F1.4 version actually focuses quite fast with the latest firmware updates. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want this F2 version :). As I mentioned earlier, I will be posting a comparison test soon (should be after my review of the F2 lens, which I am going to write this weekend), and you can see what I mean.
Best regards,