Portraits with the Olympus Pen-F and Nocticron:
It’s been a very busy month for me, so I haven’t had as much time as I would like to post more consistently. But my schedule is clearing up, and I did finish up with the Olympus Pen-F, so I’ll be posting my review up soon. One lens I found myself using a lot with this camera was the Panasonic Nocticron 42.5mm f1.2 ASPH. The Nocticron has been out for a while but when I borrowed the Pen-F to review, I knew I had to give the Nocticron a try. It’s expensive, and it’s a pretty big lens if you consider it is designed to be mounted on a micro four thirds camera but the performance is exemplary. I’ll be writing up a review for it as well. But while I’m working on those reviews, I thought I’d post a few images with the Pen-F and the Nocticron.

These images were taken while I was walking with my friend around Lower Manhattan. It was a nice day, and we ended up under the FDR. Sometimes when it is crowded, I go to this area because it’s usually a little more quiet. Plus, it’s nice when the weather gets warmer because you have the shade of the FDR and the breeze from the water. All the images here were taken at F1.2 and only natural light was used. For those who want to see how this lens performs throughout the aperture range, I’ll be posting a whole range of images in my review. I just really like how this lens produces portraits at F1.2, and in my opinion, it’s such a great match with the Olympus Pen-F.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the images. I have plenty more in my Panasonic 42.5mm Nocticron review as well as a few in my upcoming Pen-F review, which I am going to get back to right now, so stop by soon. Thanks for stopping by!
I’ve always felt that black and white is the way to go for portraiture. Color tends (for me) to be distracting and ‘all over the place’. Excellent work!
Thanks, inthedarkroom!
I do like both but I can definitely understand what you mean. To me, some photos, especially in portraiture, really just look best in black and white.
Best regards,
Great portrait shots. The lens seems to be sharp enough at 1.2.
Regarding color, to me they look as if there was some kind of filter applied. VSCO or something.
I dont use VSCO but the colors here remind me of that filter set. Kind of 70’s look 🙂
Cant wait to read your reviews about both, camera and lens.
Thanks, Elderin!
It’s good to hear from you. Actually, I’ve been playing around with the point curve in Camera Raw to get a different look. I think the kind of image I want and the way that I see things are changing or evolving as I get deeper into photography. I’m sure it happens with all photographers out there. I’m starting to feel like sometimes shooting digital, especially for portraits, can look a little sterile, so in some photos, I’ve been mixing it up a bit. I want to add a little of my own style to it :). Thanks for stopping by!