Fuji XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter Review:
As of now, the lens with the longest range in the Fuji X Series is the XF 100-400mm F4.5-5.6. If you want something longer that is made by Fuji, you’ll either have to wait until they release something new or purchase the XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter. The XF 100-400mm is equivalent to a 152mm-609mm in 35mm terms but with the 1.4x teleconverter, you can extend that range to a crazy 213mm-853mm equivalent. Of course, along with the advantages of a teleconverter, there are disadvantages, and today, I’ll talk about both in great detail, so that you can decide if the XF 1.4x Teleconverter is right for you.
Fuji XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter Build Quality:
Overall, I’m actually very pleased with the build of this teleconverter. It’s high grade metal exterior is very solid, which is important, especially if you’re mounting a beast like the XF 100-400mm. Speaking of what you can mount on it, there are only two lenses that are compatible with this teleconverter so far: the XF 50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR lens and the XF 100-400mmF4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR I just mentioned. With the 1.4x teleconverter the XF 50-140mm, which is already a 70mm-196mm equivalent in 35mm terms, becomes a 107mm-299mm equivalent. As mentioned earlier, the XF 100-400mm becomes a 213-853mm equivalent. Like those two compatible lenses, this teleconverter is also weather and dust resistant. It can also be used in temperatures as low as -10ºC, so whatever abuse those two lenses can take, this teleconverter should be able to take as well.

↑ The 1.4x teleconverter’s front element protrudes out, so it is only compatible with certain lenses.
As for the design, at 58mm x 15mm, it’s very compact, so it doesn’t add much to lenses that are already pretty long. With a weight of 130g, it’s also very light. That’s a great thing considering a lens like the XF 100-400mm already weighs around 3 pounds. Even if it was heavier, it would still be light considering the teleconverter’s abilities is equivalent to adding another lens in your kit. Best of all, when the XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter is mounted on the camera with the lens attached, the lens and teleconverter do not look like two separate products. In other words, it is a very seamless design.

↑The XF 100-400mm is definitely a long lens but as you can see, the 1.4x teleconverter extends the length of the lens only a slight bit.
As for mounting a lens to the 1.4x teleconverter, it couldn’t be simpler. You simply attach the teleconverter to the camera like you would any other lens. Then you mount your chosen lens onto the teleconverter. Unlike some teleconverters, the autofocus still works and very well, I might add. If you need to remove the lens, just press on the release button on the side of the teleconverter.

↑ Here’s a closer view of the 1.4x teleconverter. As you can see, it matches perfectly with the Fuji bodies and lenses. It doesn’t even look like a separate unit.
Fuji XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter Image Quality:
In general, all teleconverters cause some image degradation. It’s physics, and there’s no way to really get around it. I’m happy to report though that I didn’t see much image degradation when I used XF 100-400mm with the XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter. As you can see from my blog, I didn’t just take the XF 100-400mm and do comparison photos with and without the teleconverter. I used the XF 100-400mm and the XF 1.4x Teleconverter in real world settings. I took a lot of images of a variety of subjects. I was lugging around a 3+ pound lens with teleconverter in this crazy heat and humidity :)! Not only do I have plenty of images for this review and my XF 100-400mm review, I also wrote a few additional blog posts filled with images. I feel I’ve gotten to know both these products really well, and I’m telling you, the XF 1.4x Teleconverter is a great optic.

↑ Unfortunately, most of the days that I had the XF 100-400mm and the teleconverter, the weather was pretty cloudy and humid. This was taken at F11 1/400s 1000 ISO at 140mm.

↑ F7.1 1/120s 2500 ISO at 379mm. This was taken through a mesh screen along with some of the other photos with animals in this review.

↑ F9 1/480s 400 ISO at 317mm.

↑ F7 1/105s 2000 ISO at 366mm.
With the teleconverter attached to the XF 100-400mm, I still got images with really beautiful color rendering, contrast, and plenty of detail. In terms of sharpness, you may see a slight drop when you shoot at your largest aperture setting but in my opinion, you would really have to be pixel peeping to see it. In real world photography, I don’t think it’s going to matter much. Once you stop down a bit, quite frankly, it’s hard to tell if any sharpness has been lost because of the teleconverter. Of course, once you’re around F16, diffraction sets in.

↑ I just love the detail in this photo. F6.7 1/340s 2500 ISO at 256mm.

↑ F16 F8 200 ISO at 222mm.

↑ F8 3.1s 200 ISO at 560mm.

↑ Look how incredibly sharp the feathers are in this photo. F7.1 1/140s 2500 ISO at 222mm.
The only real issue that may bother some is the teleconverter does cause a loss of one stop of light. However, there will be some light loss with all teleconverters, so this is not out of the ordinary, and not a fault of just this teleconverter. Plus, with the excellent high ISO capabilities of the Fuji bodies, it’s not such a big deal. As you can see, many of the photos in this review were taken at higher ISO settings.

↑ F8 1/40s 2500 ISO at 560mm.

↑ F6.6 1/140s 2500 ISO at 207mm.

↑ F6.5 1/80s 800 ISO at 180mm.

↑ F7.1 1/125s 800 ISO at 140mm.
Fuji XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter Pros and Cons:
Fuji XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter Pros:
- Extremely well built.
- Compact.
- Fits seamlessly to the X Series products.
- Autofocus still works.
- Weather and dust resistant.
- Not much image degradation.
Fuji XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter Cons:
- Because it is a teleconverter, there will always be some image degradation no matter how little.
- Lose a stop of light.
Fuji XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter Verdict:
Overall, I have to say that I’m extremely happy with the XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter and I feel like this is a “must have” if you have one of the compatible lenses. Are there negatives to this teleconverter? Of course; like all teleconverters, there is slight image degradation, and loss of light but I feel the positive aspects far outweigh the negative ones in this respect.

↑ F7.2 1/1500s 1600 ISO at 422mm.

↑ F9 1/100s 200 ISO at 560mm.

↑ F6.9 1/125s 2500 ISO at 317mm. As I said earlier, some of these photos with animals were taken through a mesh screen. There is a slight haze in this photo but it’s only from the screen.

↑ F8 1/70s 6400 ISO at 560mm.
For one, while there is image degradation, it is very little. In fact, it’s so little that unless you are doing direct comparisons, and pixel peeping, I don’t believe image degradation is really an issue. Second, using this teleconverter is like bringing another lens with you but without carrying the extra weight and size of another lens. Just look at this teleconverter; it’s so compact yet it is capable of increasing the range of the XF 100-400mm from a 152mm-609mm to a 213mm-853mm equivalent! Furthermore, the autofocus works, and decently as well. The price of $449 may seem a little high but keep in mind that this is a very well built product. Also, while Fuji does not currently have a lens longer than the XF 100-400mm, I would imagine that if they did, it would cost a lot more than this teleconverter’s asking price.

↑ With this kind of reach, I just had to get a photo of the moon ;). F8 1/125s 200 ISO at 560mm. I also had to crop this a bit.

↑ F7.2 1/125s 2500 ISO at 407mm.
↑ F8 1/250s 800 ISO at 560mm.

↑ F11 1/180s 200 ISO at 239mm.
The XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter really surprised me because I wasn’t expecting to be impressed by it so much. I ended up using it a lot more than I thought I would. Now that I’ve returned it and the XF 100-400mm, I really miss them. If you feel like you need that extra bit of reach but were afraid that the image quality just won’t be up to par with this teleconverter, don’t be. This teleconverter is totally worth it.
Thanks for taking the time to read my review! If you’re considering purchasing the XF 1.4x Teleconverter, and my review helped you decide, please help support this site by purchasing from the links below or any mentioned in this review. It will not cost you anything extra. Thank you for your support!
XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter at B&H Photo
XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR lens and 1.4x Teleconverter Kit at B&H Photo
XF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR and 1.4x Teleconverter Kit at B&H Photo
Thanks for the review, aiming at getting it for use with the 50-140 2.8. Love your bird shots!
Thanks Bob for the kind words!
I appreciate you taking the time out to read my review. It’ll be great with the 50-140mm f2.8. I hope you enjoy it, and let me know how it works out for you!
CONGRATS, Good job 👏