Film Friday: Images From Winter With My 503CW:
I definitely neglected shooting film for quite some time. I bought a Hasselblad 503CW Millennium last year, and I really haven’t had a chance to use it much lately. The truth is, I’ve been really busy mainly with digital gear, and reviewing stuff for this site. Unlike digital, I feel like I have to be more careful with film, which is why sometimes, I just feel like I don’t have the time to shoot with it.
Well, I don’t want to leave film behind, so I decided to start a Film Friday. Film Friday is pretty self-explanatory: on Friday, I will post something from film. I may not do every Friday but I’m going to try to do most of them with the hope of one day getting to the point where I’ll do every Friday. Film Friday might not be too original but hey, at least there will be a steady flow of film :).

So, I’m going to start now with some photos that I took a while back during winter. This roll of film has been in my Hasselblad for months! I finally sent it to the lab, and I received the images back a few days ago. I had heard that Jersey City has a lot of really cool street art, so I jumped on the Path train to check it out. For those who don’t live in New York City, it’s literally just two stops away from the World Trade Center, so if you come over for a visit, you should go. Over there, you can even go to Liberty State Park, which overlooks Manhattan. I believe you can also go to the Statue of Liberty from there as well.

Film wise, I used Fuji Pro 400H, which I’ve actually been using a lot of recently. I am falling in love with the look of this film. It’s funny because at first, I wasn’t such a huge fan of it because I tend to like very vibrant colors but the more I use it, the more I really like it. It’s absolutely great with skin tones. I’ve been overexposing it on purpose by 2 stops, and it seems to be working for me. I just wish I had more photos but the sun was setting already, and technically, I was shooting at 100 ISO.

Next week, I’ll post some stuff that I took with my Leica M6. I posted stuff from the Hassey this week because as some of you know, there was a really cool announcement recently: the Hasselblad X1D-50c. From what I know of it so far, it’s just what I’ve been looking for, and I may actually get it instead of the next M. I’m this close to pre-ordering it. But for now, I hope you enjoy, and thanks for stopping by!
Hi Patrick,
Film Friday…..I like it! Great to see you using the Hassy. I need to spend some time with mine too. Love these pics that you posted and thanks for the tip about exposing Fuji 400H film. I have been hearing that we do need to over expose it. I will try it this weekend and see how it goes.
Thanks Kerwin!
I’m expanding my site but at the same time, I don’t want it to just be all reviews. I think film is a great way to diversify a bit. Plus it’s fun to shoot!
As for Fuji 400H, it loves light. I may even try three stops to experiment. I also bought some Fuji Natura 1600 film for my M6 to try out. Have you heard of it? They don’t actually sell it here in the states but I was able to get some from Japan. I may try that next. Let me know how it goes this weekend when you shoot film :).
Take care,
Hello Patrick,
wonderful shots and i really appreciate it that there will be more stuff coming on a regular basis.
Even though i am not a film shooter, i am always impressed what that Hasselblad can do. You must be doing something right to get these results 🙂 From choosing film (what did you use ? looks so clean and detailed) to develpement , to scanning (you must own a very good scanner) up to the final post production. Charming model, too. Well done.
Thanks, Elderin, and I’ll let my model know!
A lot of it is thanks to my lab actually :). I had these processed at the Find Lab. I’m still working on my color profile with them, and trying to get it just right because I just started going there but so far, I really like the place. As for film, I used Fuji 400H. I overexpose it by two stops because it loves light. In fact, it’s part of the reason why it looks so clean. It would’ve been more grainy otherwise.
We’ve talked about this before but you should get into film :)! It’s quite fun, and the results can be really unique.
Nice Patrick! I might join you, been shooting with the Rolleiflex lately.
Hi Dane,
You should! I’d love to see your images afterwards, so send me a link!
Hi Patrick,
Here’s my Flickr film album. Currently using Portra and Ektar.
Hi Dane,
Those are fantastic! Really nice colors. Thanks for sharing them with me. How do you like the Bronica?