Film Friday: More With Fuji Pro 400H:
I know I missed a couple of Fridays posting film. It’s been a very busy summer but as I said in my first Film Friday post, I plan to make Film Friday a permanent fixture here. So, with that said, today I have just a few pics from late May taken with my Leica M6 TTL Millennium and Fuji Pro 400H. The lens I used was my trusty 50mm Summicron-M. I’ve been using the 50 Cron a lot with the M6 lately. To me, it’s a really good match.
It’s amazing how fast the summer has flown by. It’s already almost August, and looking back at these pics, I can’t believe they were taken back in May. But that’s one thing I love about film: sometimes you’ll have a roll that you haven’t processed, and when you do, it can surprise you a bit. You see images that you forgot you even took or you get to relive an event. Plus, the whole process is pretty cool :). It’s a slower process than digital, and in that way, it can be quite enjoyable and fulfilling.

So, these photos were taken around the Lower East Side of Manhattan. At the time, it was still cool enough, weather wise, to walk around and explore a bit. It’s so different now because it’s ridiculously hot out, and I’m not a fan of extreme heat, so you probably won’t see me walking as far. Actually, that’s not true since the same person in these photos did make me walk all the way from Wall Street to the Flatiron District, and then back two weekends ago ;). With a walk like that, it would’ve been great to bring my M6 with me and finish the roll of Fuji 400H I still have in it but carrying something as light and compact like the Leica D-Lux Typ 109 was a better choice in the heat. I got some really cool images with it anyway, which you’ll see in an upcoming post and my review. I’ll post some of those images on my Instagram before though, if you want to check them out.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos. Hopefully, I can get my next roll of Fuji Pro 400H in time for next week. I’ve just been really enjoying using Fuji 400H lately. As always, thanks for stopping by!