Washington Square Park With The Fuji X100F:
Since I’m wrapping up my X-T20, and XF 50mm f2 reviews, I’ve had more time to shoot with the new Fuji X100F, and I have to tell you that this is such a fun, involving, and capable camera. Obviously, the X100F is a niche camera, and therefore, it’s not for everyone. Having a permanently mounted 35mm equivalent isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, I’m not even that much of a 35mm fan. The tele-conversion lenses are nice options but there are still limitations. With all that said, for what the X100F is designed for, it’s superb. Anyway, this isn’t my review; I just thought I’d share a few pics that I took while meeting up with one of my friends recently, and what I think of the X100F so far.
My friend had a little break in between classes, so I met up with her in Washington Square Park. The weather was excellent, and therefore, it was very crowded, which also meant there were plenty of great photo opportunities. She’s actually an excellent photographer, and she has a huge passion for it. I’m grateful to know her because she’s one of the very few people who can stand me talking about photography, and gear all the time :). Her husband, who I’ve known since grade school, loves doing the outdoors stuff, and so do I. So, basically, these two are awesome :).

↑ My friend taking a look at the X-T20. This was taken with the TLC-X100 II tele-converter lens.

↑ It was one of the first days of nice weather, so everyone was out enjoying it.
She’s been shooting with a Canon 6D for a while now but she’s also been thinking about getting something smaller to carry around. I met up with her to show her both the X100F, and the X-T20 before I had to return them. So, we walked around; she got to try out the X-T20 with the new XF 50mm f2 R WR lens, and I got to shoot more with the X100F.

↑ This was taken with the TLC-X100 II tele-converter lens.

↑ Here’s another taken with the same tele-converter.
Let’s talk about the X100F for a second. I love it enough that I’ve actually been tempted to trade my X-T2 in for it :). I don’t think I would actually do it but a man can dream, right ;)? For me, the X100F with the TCL-X100 II Tele Conversion Lens is all I would need. I’m not a big 28mm user, so I wouldn’t need the wider tele-conversion lens. In fact, while I have both tele-conversion lenses on loan to review, I haven’t used the wider one much yet.

↑ He was playing pretty amazingly I might add.

↑ I always said I would buy an X100 if it came with a 50mm equivalent. The TLC-X100 II is a great alternative.
Quite honestly, I just love the X100F’s total package. I’ll go into greater detail in my review but overall, it handles absolutely great, the build quality is excellent, and it’s compact. The new sensor is also a welcomed addition to this line of cameras. The X100F is very involving, which makes it all that more fun to use. Combine that with the quick autofocus, and near silent shutter, and the X100F truly makes a great street camera. It actually makes a great camera for documentary as well. It’s something that is meant to always be by your side…it’s a true everyday camera. It’s small enough, and light enough that there really isn’t much of an excuse to leave it at home.

↑ Here’s one more with the TLC-X100 II.

↑ These guys were great.
If I had to pinpoint what exactly I love about the Fuji X100F, I think it would be that it finally feels complete to me. Don’t get me wrong; I love the other versions of the X100, and in the right hands, they will still produce excellent imagery. I was one of the first adopters of the original X100. But each version brought with it upgrades and improvements, and for me, the F version feels just about perfect for what it is. Truthfully, I can’t even imagine Fuji doing more now to make this camera better. Yeah…sure, there are little improvements I would like to see, which I’ll discuss more in my review but it’s really just nitpicking. Fuji could go big, and add something crazy like a 50 MP sensor or even a higher resolution EVF but there’s really no need. For what it’s designed for, you have the speed, you have the size, you have the small foot print it leaves behind, you have the involvement we all crave as photographers, and of course, the image quality. It’s also, at least in my opinion, the most attractive X Series camera. Technically, there’s always room for upgrades in anything but right now, the X100F is a pretty formidable machine if you ask me.

↑ Here’s one near Madison Square Park.

↑ This is the X100F kit that I’m currently shooting with. Review coming soon!
Anyway, I ended up dropping my friend off at school, and then decided to walk up to Madison Square Park, so I have plenty of different photos not just from the Fuji X100F but also from the other Fuji gear I have out on loan. I will be posting the rest of my pics in my upcoming reviews. My next two reviews will be about the X-T20, and the XF 50mm f2. So, I hope you enjoy the photos, and thanks for stopping by!
Hi Patrick, thanks for this article. I wonder how you process images from x-trans in general. I rented x100f from Calumet over the weekend, but all jpegs came out with very waxy skintones even for ISOs 200 and 400. I used pro neg hi/classic chrome with NR=-4, highlight=-2, shadows=-2 (or +2 sometimes) and contrast = +2 I think. The only couple of raw files I saved looked ok in LR. I don’t have any Fuji’s at the moment, so not used to processing x-trans files, though I was hoping to get god ooc jpegs.
Hi Mahesh,
It’s good to hear from you again! While it doesn’t always happen, I try to keep things simple when I process my photos :). Each of these photos in this post, for example, took me at most a couple of minutes to adjust. My technique for processing X-Trans photos isn’t really different from how I process photos from other sensors. I shoot in RAW, and I use the Camera Raw plugin in Photoshop CC. It’s basically LR but I grew up on Photoshop, so it’s just habitual for me. I have been using Capture One 10 recently as well, although these photos here are processed through Camera Raw.
As for the OOC jpegs, I’ve actually been pretty happy with the results so far. I use the Standard/Provia setting, and leave everything on default. Now that I’ve returned the X-T20, I’ll be using the X100F pretty much exclusively for a while, so I will keep an eye out for the skin tones. If I meet my friend this weekend, I may actually have some portraits to post next week.
Best regards,
Thanks Patrick, will be good to see some portraits. Most of the photos i see on the net are either b&w or processed with strong shadows, where most of the picture is just dark -with some exceptions like your site. There are hardly any portraits either as this is a ‘street’ camera.
Hi Mahesh,
Thanks for the kind words. I try my best to always include a variety of pictures not just ones that are normally associated with a type of camera or lens, so people can get a better feel of the gear. I also try to do less processing when it comes to a review because people have different styles and preferences. Hopefully my friend will be free this weekend :). Talk to you soon!
Thank you for the article.
Dump question. Can you tell me the name of the red neck strap.
Any chance of a link. Thank you again.
Thanks Garry!
It’s not a dumb question at all! It’s the Artisan & Artist ACAM-301. I reviewed it a long time ago:
It’s a great strap. Super comfortable, and I’ve been using it for a few years now, so I know it lasts. I think they call it the ACAM-301N now. Let me know if you have any other questions,
Thank you very much!
Anytime, Garry!