Fuji X-T3: Portrait Shoot on a Warmer Near Winter Day:
I had some Fuji related gear I had to finish reviewing a while back, so I took out my Fuji X-T3, and gave Michelle, who I’ve shot with many, many times before, a call. She’s absolutely one of my favorite people to shoot with; in fact, I’ve shot with her more than any other model so far (check out my Instagram, you’ll find hers there too). We shot around Chinatown in Manhattan (there are several in New York City). These pics are actually a couple of months old, which basically shows you how far behind I am ;). But the good news is I am finally catching up with a lot of my work.
The lenses I had with me were the XF 35mm f1.4, XF 56mm f1.2 APD, and the Samyang 85mm f1.4 Aspherical. Both the Fuji lenses are mine but the Samyang was a review sample I had earlier (I reviewed it here if you want to read it). A lot has changed in the Fuji world, so I was thinking about re-reviewing the XF 35mm f1.4. I reviewed it a LONG time ago when it was first released. It’s been one of my favorite lenses for the Fuji system, and with all the firmware updates it has gone through, it’s a much, much better lens than it was when it first came out. It’s also really awesome on the Fuji X-T3. Another lens I want to review the XF 56mm f1.2 APD. Looking back on it, I can’t believe I never reviewed it. I did review the non-APD version but not this one.

↑ This was taken with the XF 35mm f1.4.

↑ This was also taken with the XF 35mm f1.4.
As for the lighting, editing, and the settings, everything here was shot in natural light. We had an overcast day, which was nice. I post-processed most of these photos in Camera Raw this time. I know I mentioned that I had switched to Capture One a while back but now, I’m back to Photoshop CC. I also kept the edits very clean this time around with no toning or anything like that. As for lens settings, everything here was shot at maximum aperture. I don’t think every shot needs to be taken at the widest aperture but in this case, I needed review samples taken like this. Plus, for these particular shots, I liked the look.

↑ This was taken with the Samyang 85mm f1.4. It’s actually slightly out of focus but I like the shot.

↑ Here’s another taken with the Samyang 85mm f1.4 but in this case, I nailed the focus. As you can see, the bokeh is really nice and smooth. It’s also a very sharp lens. If you’re looking for a telephoto that’s priced well, and produces great results, this should definitely be on your list. Check out my review of this lens, here.
Anyway, I hope all of you enjoy the pics, and stay tuned because I have new posts coming…particularly reviews I’ve had in the works for a while now. Yes, reviews…finally :)! I actually have one review coming either later today or tomorrow.

↑ This was taken with my XF 56mm f1.2 APD.

↑ I think this is one of my favorite photos of her. This was taken with the XF 56mm f1.2 APD as well.
I’ve just been really busy these past few months concentrating on shooting a lot, and I think I overdid it a bit lol. I have tons of new content I can’t wait to share but at the same time, I have so many files I’ve been editing :). I tend to dive into things that I really like to do, and put my all into it, which can be bad because I don’t tend to do things in moderation lol. I’ve been doing tons of portrait and boudoir work in the past year, and it’s been difficult to add it to my blogging mainly because of time but I think I’ve finally found a good balance. So, after my review tomorrow, expect my Fuji X-T3 review (which I have tons of pics for), and the Leica D-Lux 7 review. Also, I heard news about the new Fuji X-T30…I think that’ll be great to review. Thanks for stopping by!
Excellent portraits Patrick! Those are sharp wide open, kinda what I expected from Fuji primes. The Samyang is something I need to check, I like the results.
Thanks Dane! Apologies for the late reply too. The Samyang is really good; just hard to focus but you have plenty of practice with manual lens, so it should be a problem for you ;).