Leica SL2 And 75mm Summilux Indoor Shooting: Mono Flora:
Like most of you, I’ve been practicing social distancing, and self-isolating/quarantine measures because of the corona virus pandemic. Shooting, especially doing model shoots have come to a complete halt for me. I’ve been keeping myself busy with writing some reviews that will be coming out shortly. I’ve been catching up on a lot of editing (which you can see on my Instagram), and even experimenting a bit by trying new editing techniques. I’ve also been catching up on some of my Netflix, and Amazon Prime streaming when I get the chance ;). Still, I love photography, and miss shooting quite a bit. So, I was trying to find things to photograph that didn’t require me to go out much, and I remember this one photo I took a long time ago when I still had my Leica M9. It was a bunch of flowers, and I shot it with my 75mm Summilux. I thought I’d try something like that again.
So, instead of the M9, I used my Leica SL2 with the 75mm Summilux. Believe it or not, this is actually the first time I’ve even mounted an M lens on my SL2 . I bough this camera on the first day that it was released, so basically, I’ve had it for almost half a year as of this writing, and I still haven’t used an M lens on it. I don’t believe it myself. I love my M lenses but truthfully, I love my L mount lenses a little bit more. Plus, they have autofocus ;). Still, I understand that all lenses are characteristically unique, which is why I specifically chose the 75mm Summilux here.

The 75mm Summilux is a beautiful lens. My copy was originally my dad’s but he doesn’t really shoot these days, so he gave it to me. I don’t use it as much anymore because over the years, I’ve been finding it more difficult to focus. In fact, this is my most difficult lens to correctly focus (on a side note, if you’re looking for a fantastic lens that is similar to this one that I find easier to focus, check out my Voigtlander 75mm f1.5 ASPH review). However, when you do nail the shot, the image just has a look that, quite frankly, is so pleasing to the eyes. It isn’t as clinical, and perfect as my SL lenses but it just has this painterly effect at f1.4 that I love, especially at closer distances.

This lens, of course, has no macro capabilities, so you’re still rather far away from the subject, especially when your subject is say a flower. However, the depth of field is ultra thin when you’re close up. You can focus on say one part of a petal but the remaining areas are completely out of focus.

With all that said, here are the shots that I took with the Leica SL2 and 75mm Summilux combo. I originally wanted to replicate what I took with my M9 but the conditions (mainly the lighting) were not the same, and of course, even the way that I shoot these days has changed quite a bit. Plus, all my strobe gear is at my studio space, so I had to change things up a bit. For one, I decided to play around with harsh light and shadows. I’ve been actually a huge fan of harsh light and shadows recently, especially in my boudoir work. You can check my Instagram for examples. I’ve posted a couple with this type of lighting but will post more when I finish the edits.

I also decided to go the black and white route this time. These were actually originally processed as color photos but I changed my mind last minute. I went for a darker, moodier look. I was just having some fun and messing around while I was shooting; I figured I’d do the same thing while I was editing. I did post one color photo at the bottom. I just didn’t like how the black and white version came out.

So, that’s about it. I definitely plan to use the 75mm Summilux in the future for what it was designed for: portrait. The 75mm Summilux is such a great lens, and it’s one of those lenses that I’ll never part with. It truly is special.

As for what to expect next here, my Panasonic Lumix S Pro 16-35mm f4 review is coming very soon. I also still have the Fuji X-Pro3 review, which will come up afterwards. If any of you have questions about the 75mm Summilux or are home, and just want to talk shop a bit, you can always message me below in the comments section or DM me on my Instagram. As always, thanks for stopping by!
Thank you Patrick! These images are wonderful. Many are interested in the M lens and SL combination. There are very few resources out on the web that do a nice in depth review of using these combination and the “through the viewfinder experience” of focusing the M lenses with the SL. While the SL lenses are amazing, the size and weight gives one serious pause. I have a Leica Q. Is the manual focus experience exactly the same with the SL?
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for taking the time to read it! The manual focus experience of the SL, and SL2 are similar to the Q with the SLs having an advantage because of the resolution. Plus, that big rubber eyecup on the SLs almost gives you the experience of looking through a loupe. The SL2 has, quite frankly, the best viewfinder I have ever used. With magnification turned on, I don’t even need focus peaking. It’s so clear and sharp.
As for more SL/M lens articles, once this pandemic is over, and I can go out again, I’ll post more :). For now, if you’re interested, I did review a few M mount lenses with the SL in the past. I reviewed the Leica 28mm Summaron, the Voigtlander 35mm f1.4 Version 2, the Voigtlander 75mm f1.5 Aspherical, and the Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f3.5 Aspherical. You can find them on this page.
Thanks for stopping by, Jeff, and stay safe! Looking forward to hearing back from you,
Hi Patrick,
love the images. I am thinking about the Lux 75 for some time now. I dont need it, but it renders so beautifully .. i want it 😉
Anyhow nice set of pictures. Never part with any of your M mount Leica lenses.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year. All the best, especially happiness and health.
Greetings from Cologne,
Elderin (Markus)
Hi Markus,
Great to hear from you, and thanks! I never part with any of my Leica glass although I must admit, I’ve been getting tempted to haha. I love my M glass but there are one or two lenses I would also like ;).
Thanks for the well wishes! Merry Christmas, and happy new year to you as well! I hope you’ve been doing good, and staying well!
Best regards,