Cape May New Jersey Sunset:
Hey everyone. This is a short post with a few photos from Cape May, New Jersey again. In the last post I put up (here), I mentioned I had taken some photos with the Leica M11, and I would post some later on, so here are a few. I took these during my first night. I haven’t been on a proper beach in some time, and decided to take a walk on the one right next to my hotel during sunset.
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The lens I was using, and the only one that I brought on my trip was the Voigtlander Nokton Classic 35mm f1.4 MC II. I’ve been using it along with the M11 quite a lot recently, and have definitely been enjoying this combo. The M11 produces fantastic photos, and I just love how the Voigtlander 35mm f1.4 renders. I reviewed this lens a while back (review here), and raved about it then. I still feel the same about it now. I had taken quite a lot of pics there with this combo but a lot of them were similar to the ones I had posted here before that I took with my X-T3, so I decided not to post them.

It has been nice to shoot with a digital M again. I’m still an SL shooter, and won’t be changing anytime soon but the Leica M11 has been performing quite well overall. I’m thinking about writing up a long term review of it seeing as I’ve been using it here and there, since it has been released a while back.

Anyway, as I said before, this is just a short post. I have a few reviews coming up soon, so stay tuned. There’s an M mount lens, and a couple of things for L mount coming. Also, a couple of Fuji related items as well. Next month, I’ll also be visiting the Cayman Islands, so I’m hoping to get a few good shots there, and maybe bring a couple of things with me to review. As always, thanks for stopping by!
I would love for Lumix to introduce a FF rangefinder style (not rangefinder) compact camera. Something similar to the GX9 but updated and FF. That would pair well with Sigma’s compact Contemporary line. Lumix could also introduce some small and light lenses for it also. Man can dream.
Hi Hassan,
I’ve been enjoying my S5 for quite some time…having it in the form of a rangefinder would make it so cool. You never know, maybe one day they might come out with something like that. I’d definitely buy one.
How would you describe the benefits of the S5 (other than price) vs. the Leica SL2–S? Each has – presumably – the same or very similar sensor.
Hi Gary,
Price is definitely a big factor…I paid $1,500 for it after the rebate but besides that, I would say size. The S5 is smaller than the GH5, and pretty much similar in size to my Fuji X-T3. Together with some of the more compact L mount lenses and M mount lenses, you have a great travel kit.
I have an SL2 and shoot mainly TL lenses (I have a Panasonic 20-60 and despite the very inexpensive build this lens is pretty good stopped down to f7.1 – f9 and fairly light weight).
I wanted a backup to my SL2. I considered the S5 but in the end I bought a “used” TL2 from B&H for $1K. I say “used” questioningly since it came sealed as new, never opened or used. In the past I bought discontinued cameras from Leica sold as “used” though they were brand new. Seemingly Leica’s way of skirting the warranty.
That’s a good price for a TL2. I’ve had two S5 loaners, and honestly, it convinced me to buy one for myself, especially with the $500 rebate at the time. It has been an excellent backup to my SL2. Image quality is excellent, the build is great, and the electronics are flawless. It’s also great to take traveling when I don’t need all my heavier gear.