Portrait: Leica M11 and Voigtlander Classic 35mm f1.4 MC:
Hey everyone. So, I have been getting back into shooting again, and since I don’t think I’ve even posted much from the Leica M11, I thought I’d post a few images I took randomly during a shoot. I was actually shooting with my SL2, so these are more like images I took candidly on break with the model. Lens of choice was the Voigtlander Classic 35mm f1.4 II MC.
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I brought the M11 with me in case I had some shots I wanted to try, since I normally just use my SL2 during shoots. I chose the Nokton Classic 35mm f1.4 II MC mainly because I wanted something easy to shoot with that was also compact, since I had a bunch of other larger, SL lenses with me. It’s a great little lens that kind of reminds me of the older Leica pre-ASPH 35mm Summilux, at least, in terms of size. But in this case, I save a bunch of cash, and I also get a brand new lens as well. I actually bought this lens after reviewing it because I just found it such a great buy. For those interested, you can read my full review of it here.

I mentioned a while back that I bought the new Summilux-M 35mm f1.4 ASPH, which has been phenomenal so far. I still need to get some images up here ASAP lol. I still keep the Voigtlander though because it’s just so handy and compact. Plus, it does have a noticeably different rendering than the more modern Lux. I generally do prefer glass that have a more modern signature but there are times when I want a different look. Voigtlander definitely gives me this in an old school way, which I really have grown to love. For instance, I just love the bokeh from this lens.

So here are a few images I thought I’d share. I have to admit, focusing was definitely not as quick as with my SL2, and in general, I’m just not used to the rangefinder way of shooting like I used to be when I was shooting exclusively with one, especially when it comes to any types of portrait work. The 35mm is not generally a lens I would choose to shoot a person unless I am doing environmental portraiture but again, these were candid and test shots. As for processing, I ran the RAW files through Capture One, and did some light retouching in Photoshop.
Anyway, I hope all of you enjoy them. Let me know if you have any questions. As always, thanks for stopping by!