Cyber Monday 2022 Deals

Cyber Monday 2022 Deals:

If you missed some Black Friday sales, you’re in luck because a lot of them are still happening for Cyber Monday 2022.  There’s a few items that I was able to get over the weekend but I still have a little shopping to do :).

There’s B&H Photo’s Cyber Monday page

Amazon also has some great deals on their Cyber Monday page as well.

Amazon Cyber Monday page

If you want to read some of my reviews, you can find them below.  Sigma and Panasonic L mount are in the Leica section (will change this later in the new year):

Leica Reviews, Fujifilm Reviews, and everything else.

I get a small commission from purchases made through the links mentioned in this post, which in turn, helps support this site but it will not cost you anything extra.  Thank you!

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