Overnight Trip to Atlantic City With The Sigma fp L

Overnight Trip to Atlantic City With The Sigma fp L

Hey everyone.  Apologies for the lack of posts lately.  I’ve been very busy reviewing a bunch of stuff though, so I’ll be posting it all here soon.  Plus, my air condition unit broke down, and of course, during some extremely hot weeks in June haha, and I had to wait several weeks for the company I use to get a coil from the manufacturer to replace a defective one I have.  They came and fixed it two days ago but it stopped working again yesterday haha.  Luckily, the company I used came right away and it was fixed.  Anyway, it was really hot in my home, and I couldn’t take it anymore, so I decided to get a hotel room down in Atlantic City for a night just to cool off.  I picked Atlantic City because I have been reviewing a bunch of new Sigma gear, and thought a change in location would be nice for taking pictures.

My overnight trip was literally last minute.  I booked the day I went, and picked a hotel that had availability.  I got to Atlantic City in the afternoon, and walked along the boardwalk but it started to rain quite a bit.  I went back in, and came back out a little later when the rain stopped.  Of course, it was hot and humid by then haha.

↑ This was shot out of a very dirty window.  I had to take several shots because I kept getting smudges from the window.  The setting here were 200 ISO, and f7.1.  The focal length used was 60.8mm.

↑ Here’s a photo taken at f8 with 160 ISO.  The focal length used was 49.1mm.

Gear wise, I brought along the Sigma fp L, and three Sigma lenses, which were the 24-70mm, 28-70mm, and the 35mm f1.4.  I used mainly the 24-70mm and the 35mm f1.4 DG DN Art lens because I was pretty much done reviewing the 28-70mm.  All the images here were taken with the 24-70mm.  I’ll be posting the 35mm f1.4 images when I post the review for that lens.

↑ This was taken using the 70mm focal length.  The settings were f7.1 and 125 ISO.

↑ Here’s one taken using the 32.8mm focal length.  The settings were f8 and 200 ISO.

My walk was not very long…maybe an hour or so.  By the time the rain had stopped, it was near dinner time for me, and I was getting hungry :).  It was just nice to get out, and walk around somewhere new for a change.  Since Covid, I haven’t really gone to many places, so for me, it was just nice to get away after a long year.  It was nice to see the beach too.  I love the ocean; I feel a sense of peace when I’m near the water, which is probably why I could never live in a landlocked area.  I didn’t go swimming but I got to at least breath in some of that fresh air.

↑ This was taken using the 29.2mm focal length.  The settings were 100 ISO and f8.

↑ Here’s one taken with the 70mm focal length.  The settings were 100 ISO and f8.

As for the Sigma fp L, I will be writing a full review for it.  It’s definitely a different type camera than what’s typically out there.  It does have great features one being its superb image quality.  It amazes me that there’s a 61 megapixel sensor in this little camera, and yes, the sensor is fantastic.  I seriously just love the image quality that comes out of this tiny camera.  It’s really on such a high level, especially when you combine it with those Sigma lenses I was using.

↑ I wanted to test the bokeh and this is what I got at f2.8 using the 70mm focal length.  I used 100 ISO.

↑ This was taken with the 52.7mm focal length using f4.  I used 100 ISO.

↑ This last photo was taken with the 70mm focal length.  I used 200 ISO and f8.

Speaking of lenses, I love the 24-70mm f2.8 DG DN Art lens that I was using in Atlantic City.  It’s a large lens, especially when you compare it to the 28-70mm but the optics are just phenomenal.  Combine with the fp L, the images produced are just so sharp, and clean.  But this isn’t a review, so I’ll save the rest for when I write it up, which will be soon.

Anyway, I hope all of you enjoy the images, and stay tuned for my reviews, which are coming soon.  Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!

2 comments… add one
  • Brian Nicol Link Reply

    The first black and white image is enchanting! I used to own the Fp but sold it thinking the full frame fovean was coming shortly but now more likely 2023. Sigh. I loved the colour rendering of the Fp and it was a joy to use. I may spring for the fp-l as life is too short to wait until 2023. I think the fp-l would be sensational with the 105/1.4 :). Nudge. Nudge.

    • Patrick Link Reply

      Thanks Brian!

      I reviewed the first fp a while back, and thought it was quite nice to use. This new version is like that old one but with the new sensor, it feels like it’s on another level to me. I’ve sent it back already, so my review should be out soon.

      A Foveon sensor would be amazing! For the past few years, I’ve been tempted by Sigma dp3 Quattro. It has it’s quirks but I just remember reviewing some of the Sigma cameras with their Foveon sensors in the past, and just loving the results. The 50mm is my favorite focal length, and I think the dp3 would just be so cool to carry around, and even bring to shoots with me.

      As for the 105mm f1.4, I’ll look into it, once I get a few of these reviews out :). I know I’ll end up buying it haha.

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