Hi everyone! I’ve been playing around with the Fuji X100 since Spring, and can tell you that this is one of the coolest cameras that I’ve ever used!
I just love the manual features of this camera. The X100 feels like a mini M, and it’s actually quite handy. How does it compare to the Leica M9? Well, it’s a great little camera with great features; but the M9 does produce astounding images that are better files, and one would think so for the price. However, the Fuji X100 goes for around $1200, and that includes a pretty nice lens that opens up to f2.0. You’d need $10,000 for a Leica M9 and a 35mm Summicron ASPH.
So how does it compare to the Leica X1? The X1 produces beautiful files especially with its 24mm Elmarit but the Fuji’s manual features are hard to resist. Anyway, this was just a quick snapshot I took while walking around my neighborhood. Stay tuned, review soon!