This post has been long over due. I’ve been really busy taking pictures with the Fuji X100, I just haven’t had much time to post. So for those of you who have been following my posts, I recently drove to Lancaster Pennsylvania to take some pictures. On my way there, I decided to stop by the Longwood Gardens. If anyone here lives in the Northeast, I urge you to go and visit. It’s similar to a botanical garden, and has a beautiful array of flowers. Please go to their official website for more info.
So yes, I took my Leica M9 to take pictures of flowers. In fact, I use my Leica for almost all types of photos. I’ve done weddings, and that’s actually what I plan on getting into. If you don’t think it’s possible, you should check out wedding photogs such as Otto Schulze and Riccis Valladares. If you guys are listening, please let me job shadow you or something. You guys are amazing! 🙂 I never try to put a limitation on what I can take just because of the type of camera that I am using. I hate when someone says that you can’t take certain photos because of the camera that you use. With certain exceptions, I admit that Leica M’s are not designed for macro photography. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t use it to take decent photos of flowers. In fact, the bokeh on a lot of Leica lenses can make a photo that often looks like a very pleasing oil painting, and this is coming from a good friend who is a painter herself. I use Leica M’s because I feel that they are the best camera for me. Yes, there are limitations but there are limitations to all types of cameras. However, in my opinion, never let those limitions stop you from just going out, and taking pictures of whatever you want.
So anyway, as you all know, I love my Leica M9, and I absolutely love the 50 Summilux Asph. It is an absolute joy to use, and the images are outstanding. The 50 Lux Asph is one of the sharpest lenses in the Leica catalogue, and the bokeh is CREAMY smooth. I love how the sharpness in the photos can blend oh so subtle, and delicate into the beautiful bokeh. I love, love, love, LOVE this lens, and I will definitely review it soon. I just want to take more photos with it so I can put up a review that will do this lens justice. For the time being, here are a few photos that I took while walking around. Hope you enjoy!

↑The 50 Summilux Asph can really separate subjects in a photo really well. It offers superior three dimensional ability.
As I said before, one thing I love about the 50 Summilux Asph or Luxes in general is the way they can make pictures look like oil paintings. Here are a few more examples:
↑I know the 50 Summilux Asph is a new school lens but I still think that there’s a little old school charm to it. Look at this photo…you can still see that swirl that some of the older Leica lenses have, and it definitely still produces photos with that oil painting look.

↑The 50 Summilux Asph has that amazing three dimensional ability that draws so many people to Leica.

↑The 50 Summilux Asph also has such a nice glow.

↑Everything shot with the 50 Summilux Asph is not only extremely sharp; it offers the smoothness that IMO makes an image look so real and analog. This lens combine with the Leica M9 is a dream combo!