Foggy Day in New York City:
I was driving back from Queens the other day, and I took my usual route, which was getting on the Belt Parkway from the BQE. I don’t actually have to take the Belt; in fact, it costs me an additional ten minutes but it’s the scenic route :). You drive right by the water, and for that short stretch that I’m on, there’s usually no traffic. On my drive, I saw an unusual fog rolling in, and all the ships that were parked taking safe harbor. It looked so nice, especially for New York City. The patterns of the fog looked were very unique especially with the sun trying to peak out here and there. I quickly drove back to my place, and took my Leica M9 out. I walked down to the shore (there’s a long boardwalk), and what sucked was I got there a little too late (The only day, I decided NOT to take my M9 with me). The fog was still there but the lighting was no where near the same.
I love foggy photos especially when they’re converted to black and white. I don’t really get the chance to take them because it’s not always so foggy here in New York City. I was itching to get some cool photos with great lighting, fog, etc. but I guess I JUST missed it. My timing was off. I’m telling you, the lighting was so perfect! But here’s what I got out of it. Hope you all enjoy them (BTW, i took these with my 75 Summilux all around F5.6 to F8).

↑ That’s not New York City across the water; that’s Staten Island.

↑ If you walk to one end of the boardwalk, you run into the American Veterens Memorial Pier, which has a pretty nice view of New York City (and New Jersey) on a clear day. People fish here often.
I think the Fuji X-Pro1 is suppose to come out on the 28th here in the states, so I’m hoping I will get mine this week. When I get mine, I will do a “first look” post, followed by a more detailed review. So if any of you are interested in the X-Pro1, please stay tuned.