Some Fun Panorama Shots With The Fuji X100

Panorama Shots With The Fuji X100:

I’ve been using my Fuji X100 quite a bit for these past few weeks mainly because I’m about to sell it in order to help purchase a Fuji X-E1.  I put up an ad for it recently, and I was actually quite surprised at how many responses I got for the X100.  It made me second guess my decision for a bit but in the end, I really want an X-E1, and there is no point in keeping the X100 if I get one.  Since I don’t have to worry about whether someone will buy it, I have decided to take the ad down, enjoy the X100 a bit more, and sell it after or near the release of the X-E1.

Since I am selling the X100 in the end, I decided to try out some of the features of the camera that I never even considered before.  One feature is the panorama mode.  Surprisingly, I had A LOT of fun shooting in panorama mode.  There is so much to capture in New York City, and I don’t know, I guess when I capture it all in panorama mode, it makes me feel like I captured several different stories or moments that are occuring at the same time.  It’s really cool :).

Yeah, you can only shoot panorama mode in jpeg (I chose Velvia mode), and yes, you can develop in RAW, and then stitch the photos together but I’m just having fun with the Fuji X100.  I don’t really want to be slaving in front of the computer.  Sometimes it’s ok to just have fun shooting, and not worrying if everything is perfect or if it can be better.  Plus, the X100 does really produce excellent jpegs :).

I am going to continue experimenting with panorama mode on the Fuji X100 a bit more, as I do make a lot of mistakes, especially at night.  It’s been really, REALLY fun, and it has definitely brought some interest and creativity back for me.  I urge anyone who is currently lacking inspiration to try out some new features on your camera or look at things in a different perspective.  It’s working for me :).   I’m just having a blast now taking pictures, and I can’t wait to go out and shoot.  Hope you all like the photos.  Take care and thanks for visiting!

↑ All of these photos were shot at very high ISO in order for me to obtain a high shutter speed.  This photo was taken at 2500 ISO.

↑ This photo was taken at 3200 ISO.  The high ISO capability of the X100 is phenomenal in my opinion.

↑ This is my favorite shot.  It was taken at 3200 ISO as well.

↑ This is a sepia version of the photo above.  I couldn’t decide between color and, black and white

↑ This photo was taken at 4000 ISO.

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