Sigma 16mm f1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens Review

Sigma 16mm f1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens Review:

For those looking for an APS-C lens that is L mount for say a Leica CL, Sigma has three that are currently out.  I reviewed the 56mm f1.4, which you can find here, and I’ll be writing a review for the 30mm soon.  Sigma also has a wide angle currently out, it’s the 16mm f1.4 DC DN Contemporary lens.  I had a chance to test it on a CL for a while, and here’s what I think of it. [continue reading…]


Leica CL and Sigma 16mm f1.4 Portraits in the Afternoon

Leica CL and Sigma 16mm f1.4 Portraits in the Afternoon:

I don’t own a Leica CL but I borrowed one to review the Sigma L mount APS-C lenses that have been released so far.  I actually still have the CL in my hands, and have been using it quite a bit.  I’ve always wanted one, and after trying those Sigma lenses out on it, I’m even more tempted to buy one.  Anyway, I asked Stephanie (Instagram) to come over one day to help me review the Sigma lenses, and I thought I’d post some of the pictures that Stephanie had asked me to edit.  These were taken with the 16mm f1.4 DC DN Contemporary lens. [continue reading…]


Testing The Leica CL and Sigma 85mm f1.4 DG DN Art

Testing The Leica CL and Sigma 85mm f1.4 DG DN Art:

Hey, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.  I had a review planned for today but change of plans, I’m going to speak about my experience with the Leica CL and the 85mm f1.4 DG DN Art lens that I had for review instead.  This was another post I had planned a couple of months ago but due to complications when I was migrating this site to a new host, this was postponed.  Anyway, getting back on topic, since the CL is L mount, I’m able to try pretty much any lens that I review on my SL2, which even after all this time, I think is so cool :).  Unfortunately, when I was reviewing this lens, it was during another rise in Covid cases here in New York City, and much of the nation (this was around November and December), so my model shoots were canceled, and I wasn’t going out much.  But since the beginning of the pandemic, I did start bike riding to get some exercise, and these are images from one of my rides. [continue reading…]


Sigma 105mm f2.8 DG DN Art Lens Review L Mount

Sigma 105mm f2.8 DG DN Macro Art Lens Review L Mount:

If you’re like me, and you’ve been shooting Leica for a while, you know that macro photography isn’t that easy with the system.  It’s just not something that is supported as well in the Leica world but things seem to be changing.  Thanks to the L Mount Alliance, there are some new lenses that we can use with not just the Leica SL system but pretty much with any camera that uses L mount.  One lens that I reviewed a while back was the Sigma 70mm f2.8 Macro.  Another one that recently came out is the One of these Sigma 105mm f2.8 DG DN Macro Art lens.  I had it for a while to test, and here’s what I think of it. [continue reading…]


Billingham 335 Camera Bag First Impressions

Billingham 335 Camera Bag First Impressions:

If you’re someone like me who sometimes just has a decent amount of gear or at least, larger gear to carry around, you’re probably in the market for a good bag that not only can carry all your stuff but also something that is made to last, and at the same time, is also comfortable to carry around.  If you’re looking at something from Billingham, they have plenty of choices.  Currently, my daily bag is their 307, which a love.  I’ve been using it for several years now, and if you’re interested, you can read more about it in my review.  Another model you might want to consider is the Billingham 335.  It’s similar to the 307 but it definitely has its own unique features.  I was lucky enough to get a sample from Billingham to test, and here are my first impressions of it. [continue reading…]