Hi everyone! I recently took a trip to Pennsylvania with my trusty Leica M9 (you can check out my review), and stopped by a couple of cool attractions. One of the places I went to was the Railroad Museum of Pennsyvania, which is located in Strasburg. The museum houses over a 100 locomotives and cars from the mid-19th and 20th centuries. This was an excellent opportunity to try out my 50 Summilux ASPH. All the photos in this posting have been shot with the Lux except for the two below. Those were shot with the 35 Summicron ASPH.

↑I love old trains and locomotives, and The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania definitely had a lot.

↑Here is a picture of more trains and locomotives in the back of the museum.
There’s even an old locomotive that will take you through some of the beautiful Amish farms around that area.

↑Here’s a photo of the beautiful Amish farm land the locomotive took us through.

↑Here’s another shot of Amish farm country.
↑This is a shot inside the locomotive.
For more info, please go to the museum’s official link. If any of you are ever around this area in Pennsylvania, I urge you guys and girls to go check it out. Here are some more photos from my visit. The 50 Summilux ASPH is a dream lens, and performed absolutely awesome! It is insanely sharp but the great thing about this lens is that it also renders very smoothly. If I could only have one lens, the 50 Summilux ASPH would be the one! It is on my camera 90 percent of the time. I will definitely be reviewing this lens, and giving my take on it in the future. In the mean time, I hope you guys enjoy these photos, and stay tuned for more photos from places in Pennsylvania!
↑Here’s a shot I took of an old Amtrak train. To any of you who is thinking about buying a 50 Summilux Asph, I highly suggest getting a neutral density filter. It was extremely useful here.
↑Idk…for some reason I thought this photo would look cool in black and white :).
↑Here’s another photo of the Amtrak train shot wide open.

↑I thought the rust on this train cart would look good in a sepia print.
↑This Conrail train was one of the trains that you could actually go into and check out.
↑I went sepia crazy.

↑I don’t remember what f stop I shot this at but it was definitely NOT wide open. It’s true that lenses like the 50 Summilux Asph were designed to be shot wide open but I think it’s stupid that some people say that they’re ONLY meant to be shot wide open. Luxes are great at ALL apertures!