Photo Gear I’m Bringing With Me to Japan:
In a few hours, I will be on a plane to Japan. I haven’t been there in over a decade, so I’m interested to see what’s new, and I can’t wait to see what has changed. I also can’t wait to eat the food there because it is quite good. Lastly, I will definitely be checking out the camera stores just to see some of those old film collectibles. I will be taking a lot of pictures when I’m there but I also want to enjoy my visit. I know I will be doing a lot of walking, so I don’t want to be burdened with too much gear.
In the interest of simplicity and saving some weight, I decided to bring only three lenses with me: my 35mm Summicron ASPH, my 50mm Summicron, and of course, the 21mm Summilux ASPH that Bob from the Leica Boutique at Bergen County Camera was kind enough to loan me. I always bring my the 35mm Summicron ASPH because it’s one of the most versatile lenses out there. I like bringing a 50mm because it’s my favorite focal length to shoot with. While my favorite lens is the 50mm Summilux ASPH, I decided NOT to take it with me this time and instead, take the 50mm Summicron. In terms of size, the Summilux is not much larger than the Cron at all in my opinion, so that’s not the reason why I’m not bringing it. I’m bringing the Summicron because I think I might update my 50mm Summicron review in the future, since it is a very popular lens in the Leica catalogue. As for the 21mm Summilux, I’ve been wanting to review this lens for quite a long time, and I thought a trip to Japan would be a great opportunity to do it. Because of its fast aperture, it’s large for an Leica M lens but it balances quite nicely with the camera. It doesn’t really feel that heavy. I am so grateful and thankful to Bob at Bergen County Camera for loaning me this awesome lens.

Other than the gear I just mentioned, I am bringing a lot of memory cards, cleaning cloths, business cards, an extra battery, and my charger. I was hoping I could pack all of this in an Artisan & Artist ACAM-7100 Oskar’s One Day Bag that a dear friend gave me for my birthday (absolutely fantastic bag) but the 21mm Lux is a little too big :). It’ll all fit but it would be a more comfortable fit in my old Billingham Hadley.
While I’m gone, I’ll still answer any comments or emails sent to me but it may take a little longer than usual. Also, I realize that I still have some emails I haven’t answered yet, and I promise to get to them as soon as possible. I’ll try to post some stuff while I’m in Japan but I’m not bringing my computer (I am bringing an iPad though). However, I will be posting quite a bit on my new Instagram account, so check that out through the link or find me @findingrange when you get a chance. Well, I have to finish packing since I’m leaving in a few hours :). Thanks for stopping by!
Hello Patrick,
Appears as tho you must have either been packing, organizing photo gear, emailing or doing this last minute article for your blog the entire night before your trip! I hope you got some sleep or that you can sleep on the plane. And glad to see that you subscribe to my three lens conclusion for traveling with primes. As usual, you appear to have a well thought out plan of attack for minimalist but still essential travel gear. Good luck with it all & have a great time! Cheers,
Hi Jed!
Thanks for the well wishes! I was actually up pretty much the whole night. I was busy packing mostly. I took the three lens kit but after a few days here, I could’ve probably gone even lighter and use a two lens kit. I used the 50mm just a couple of times so far :).
Talk to you soon!
Best regards,
Hi Patrick!
Good luck! Take care there! I ‘m looking forward to beautiful photos!
Hi Jiri!
It’s great to hear from you and thanks for the well wishes! I’ll post some as soon as I get back!
Best regards,
Enjoy your trip. There will be so much to explore.
see you later my friend.
Hi Elderin,
Thanks for the well wishes! I’ve been using the 21mm a lot and I think this is a lens that you would love! Easily one of my favorite lenses!
Take care,
Hey Patrick,
Looking forward to all the shots you come back with, from your trip!!
Interesting to see the 21mm Lux in a pic with th other two M lenses. You’re right, it’s a big (for an M lens) optic, relative to the other two.
Best regards, Marco
Thanks Marco!
I just got back from my trip. It was amazing! I have a lot of pictures, and definitely have some interesting stories to tell you.
Best regards,
Hi Patrick. If you want to go light look no further than the Leica T with 18-56mm f3.5-5.6 lens. I have an M with 28 and 50 crons and a 90 summarit but this combo is quite heavy to carry around all day.
The T with zoom covers all the focal lengths albeit with slower apertures.
But if the lens was faster, it would be larger and heavier.
I can vouch that the lens is super sharp and the photos have that Leica signature of warm colors and high contrast.
You can always take a fast prime M lens to use for those moments when you want nice bokeh ( with adaptor).
Hi John!
Sorry for the late reply! I just got back from my trip. I appreciate the advice and thanks for leaving a comment! I used the T before and you are definitely right; the lenses are excellent. The camera body itself is also very nice. I’ve been wanting to review the T for quite a while. Now that there are new lenses coming out for it, maybe I will review it in the future and for my next trip, I will consider bringing a T. The truth is, after this trip to Japan, I think I could’ve gotten away with just bringing the 21 Lux lol! It was on my M for nearly the whole time I was there. Again, I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment and I hope to hear from you again soon!
Kind regards,
Hi Patrick,
I went to Tokyo last year and I also used a super wide lens a lot. Mine is a 20mm f2.8 Nikon AIS that I took as a “just in case” lens but used much more than I thought I would. In fact, like you say, it ended up being my main lens. As a lens the Nikkor is a class act but it doesn’t have that bite of the 21mm f3.4 that I’ve tried before. There is no way I can see myself coughing up the dollars for a 21mm lux but the 21mm super elmarit is in my sights and has been for a while.
In any case I’m eager to see how you got on with the 21 lux.
BTW; love your site! I have similar tastes as you in equipment and accessories and you’re usually spot on with your reviews.
Keep up the good work!
Hi John,
Great to hear from you again and thanks for your kind words! It really means a lot to me that you enjoy visiting my site and you find it helpful. As for the 21mm, I am so glad I took it with me :). I couldn’t believe how much I used it there!
I know what you mean about the Lux and I’ve been actually thinking about adding the 21mm Super Elmar to my collection myself but after this trip, I have to say that this Lux is a ridiculously amazing lens. It surprised me. I didn’t think I would enjoy using it so much. I normally shoot stopped down with a wide angle, which is why the Super Elmar appealed to me most but I found the F1.4 very useful at times. It performed extremely well and it wasn’t as heavy or bulky as I imagined it would be. I can’t believe I’m saying this considering the price but while it might take me a long time to save up for one, especially since I just bought into medium format film again, this might be my next Leica lens purchase. I just couldn’t believe how useful and rewarding this lens was during my trip.
All the best!