Leica CL Fun With The Sigma 100-400mm f5-6.3

Leica CL Fun With The Sigma 100-400mm f5-6.3:

A while back, I reviewed the Sigma 100-400mm f5-6.3 DG DN OS Contemporary Lens in L mount (you can find the review here), and had a great time with the lens.  I found it made an excellent companion to my SL2.  I feel like we need more lenses like this, especially in the Leica world.  These focal lengths are rare for Leica shooters, and now that we have the L mount system, I don’t see why there shouldn’t be more lenses like this developed for L mount.  Anyway, since I had the Leica CL lying around here from using it for my Sigma APS-C lens reviews, I thought why don’t I just try it with the zoom?  Grant it, I didn’t get to do as much exploring as I wanted with this combo because at the time, the corona viruses cases in my region were very high but I did manage to go out a few times around my neighborhood to see how this combo would work for me.  Here are my results. [continue reading…]


Website Back Online After Migration to New Host

Website Back Online After Migration to New Host:

Hey everyone!  I mentioned on social media that over the last couple of months, I’ve been updating my site internally, and I was actually offline for a while because I was migrating my website to a new host.  There were some complications, which is why it took so long but as you can see, it’s back.  I definitely want to thank my dear friend Fredrik, and my brother in law for their help.  You should check out Fredrik’s Instagram; he’s a digital and film shooter, and has some amazing stuff up there.

So, expect some new posts to come very soon.  In fact, I should have one coming in about an hour.  I have some stuff from December that I need to get out, so expect those (like I said, complications during the migration) as well.  Thanks for your patience, and for stopping by!


Sigma 85mm f1.4 DG DN Art Lens Review L Mount

Sigma 85mm f1.4 DG DN Art Lens Review L Mount:

If you’re an L mount user like I am, and you’ve been looking for that classic portraiture lens, aka an 85mm with the large aperture like f1.4, there’s good news for you: Sigma released their 85mm f1.4 DG DN Art lens.  Now, if you’ve been watching what Sigma has released for L mount so far, you know that there is another 85mm f1.4 in their collection.  However, unlike the older version, this new one is designed exclusively for mirrorless, which means it’s basically an easier lens to manage in terms of size and ergonomics.  Anyway, let’s take a closer look at this lens, and see what it’s all about. [continue reading…]


Weekly Portrait Set: The Sigma 85mm f1.4 and Leica SL2

Weekly Portrait Set: The Sigma 85mm f1.4 and Leica SL2

I thought I’d post a portrait set today from the time I had the the Sigma 85mm f1.4 DG DN Art lens on loan.  This is one of my favorite lenses, and it’s something that I sooo wish I did not have to send back.  In fact, I consider it the best lens to come out for 2020, and least from the lenses I used.  I’ll be posting a review of it soon (I’m hoping next week), and I have a lot of pictures from it.  Plus, I think I’ll post a comparison between this lens and my own APO-Summicron-SL 90mm ASPH as well. [continue reading…]


Sigma 100-400mm f5-6.3 DG DN OS Contemporary Lens Review L Mount

Sigma 100-400mm f5-6.3 DG DN OS Contemporary Lens Review L Mount:

I’ve been reviewing a lot more Sigma lenses lately because quite frankly, I love using them, and I haven’t found one yet that I don’t like.  This time, I wanted to change it up a bit.  Instead of reviewing some of the more common focal lengths like a 35mm or a 50mm, I decided to go for something a little out of the ordinary for me, at least: I decided to review the 100-400mm f5-6.3 DG DN OS Contemporary lens.  As a Leica SL and now an SL2 user, I felt like this would be a good lens to consider, at least, on paper.  I say this because first off, there aren’t that many L mount autofocus long range zooms out yet.  Second, this is a relatively compact lens considering it’s focal length range.  Third, the price is decent.  Fourth, being that I live in NYC, and I don’t usually use something like this, and I thought it would be fun to review :).  So, let’s take a closer look at this lens by first talking about the build and ergonomics. [continue reading…]