In the next couple of weeks, Fuji is going to come out with a smaller version of the X100 for around $600. It’s going to be called the Fuji X50 (or in some markets the x10). It’s suppose to compete with cameras such as the Leica D-Lux 5, and the Canon G12. A smaller Fuji x100 with a slightly smaller sensor? That sounds great IMO. I have been using the Fuji X100 for a while now, and it’s a great camera. A smaller version sounds like it would have a lot of potential in the class it wants to compete in. Here’s what might be included:
12MP 2/3″ EXR CMOS sensor
4x manual zoom lens with an f/2 aperture (Fujinon)
Optical viewfinder (This would be awesome in this class of a camera!)
1080p movie
Price $599.95