A Roll of Fuji Pro 400H With My Hasseblad:
I had a roll of Fuji Pro 400H that was sitting in my Hasselblad for quite a long time. I think it was sitting in my camera for at least a couple of months, and I actually forgot what was on it. I’ve just been so busy lately that I never get a chance to devote much time to shooting with the 503CW. With a camera like this, at least to me, it takes actual time and a bit of devotion to take a decent picture. It’s not really a snapshot kind of camera. Anyway, I decided to quickly finished the roll, so I could see what was on it. Plus, this is the first time that I’ve ever used 400H, and I was eager to see the differences between this and Portra.

Shooting with the Hasselblad recently has been a mixed bag for me in terms of results. There are days when I get a picture and I’m just floored by the quality, and I swear there is nothing else like it. Then, there are times when it turn out I completely missed the focus or I was off with the framing. Then I remember the days when I owned a Mamiya 6 and how darn easy it was to shoot with it. It was just like using an oversized Leica M and the results were phenomenal. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love using the 503CW, and I like that I actually have to put some effort into working with it; I also know what my problem is: I’m trying to speed up the process of taking photos with the Hasselblad, and I guess I just don’t have enough practice with it yet. So, I am going out this weekend and really give it a solid effort.

I decided to post some photos from my roll, since I haven’t posted much film in a while. Plus, there’s always Fuji X or Leica M gear on my blog, and I’m determined to expand to a variety of topics and gear on my site this year. There is no theme to these photos, since I was basically trying to snap away to get it developed quickly. I will also post whatever I get from the Hasselblad this weekend. Thanks for stopping by!

There’s nothing like film (and vinyl) !!
I completely know what you mean, inthedarkroom :).
I love to see shot from this hassy no matter what film is in. I totally agree that the images have something special and IQ is superb. I prefer film types with low grain though. Dont know what happens when you dont get the results you want but maybe it is just practice as you said. Better this than something with the viewfinder 😉
Hi Elderin,
It really doesn’t matter what you shoot with because like you, I just really love the results. But it’s definitely fun to experiment with different types of film :).
I also think the same in terms of grain. There are times when I see an image taken by someone else that has grain, and I like it but every time I try a type of film with a lot of grain, I’m not happy with the results :). That’s why nowadays, I am so glad we have high speed films like Portra 800, where we still have the high ISO capability (because sometimes you need it, especially with medium format) but also the well-controlled grain. I will probably post some Portra 800 soon (if I haven’t already). It’s great stuff.
In terms of practice, sometimes I just have a difficult time focusing. It can take me a while depending on the situation, and by the time I’m in focus, it’s hard to hold it in that position because you have to look down at the camera.
Best regards,
Not that These Images have lots of grain but many relate film to grain and i dont agree with that. adding grain to a digital Images does not make it a film like Image for me.
I know what you mean. There is so much more to film than just grain.
Love the photos! I can’t match the IQ with my Rolleiflex glass but the Rollei does create a unique look for me. I’m waiting for 8 rolls of 120 and hopefully I can finally contribute with a guest blog on film Fridays.
Hi Dane,
Well, you will be shooting with one soon lol :). I love the Rolleiflex though…I’ve always wanted one. You know what film camera I really want? A Contax T3. I had the Leica Minilux, my dad had the Nikon 35Ti, and a Contax T2. I always secretly wanted his Contax lol. But they definitely hold their value; they’re expensive on ebay!
Hi Dane,
It would be great to have you do a guest post!
I think I’m ready with some of my post to do guest blog here with film. I don’t know the process but I think its just reblogging? I’m such a noob. We can resurrect film Fridays!
Hi Dane,
Yes, I know I haven’t been keeping up with my Film Fridays haha! I get a bit bogged down by the digital stuff, and it’s sometimes hard to find time to shoot film. But I am hoping to add some film in the mix soon. If you are ever interested in a guest post, feel free to let me know anytime!
Hi Patrick,
Im resurrecting some old film post here, I hope you don’t mind. I finally figured out why my Hasselblad 503cx is so hard to focus! It’s mirror is out of alignment. I think by spec it has to be perfect 45 degrees. I get by since I have the digital back and compensate but its so frustrating since I can focus so fast with the Bronica and Rolleiflex. To confirm my suspicions I research online and boiled it down to the mirror and ended up finding a really good Hasselblad repair guy. He’s in Toronto area so I can’t just send my Hasselblad because its my main camera now. I ended up buying a 500c/m from him and this thing is spot on. Finally I can focus just as easy as my other medium format cameras! I’m so happy I just want to let you know haha!
Hi Dane!
Sorry for the late reply. That sounds cool! I actually used my 503CW as part of a trade for my SL kit. I love it but at the same time, I just didn’t use it as much as I thought I would. Plus, I ended up getting a decent trade in value, so it was very hard to resist haha! So in terms of film, I’m relying on my M6 and M3 right now. If I go back into medium format, I think I will buy another Mamiya 6. I had one a long time ago, and it’s one of the cameras I regret selling! What’s the repair guys name btw?
Joe Vieira (Fotoglobe is the eBay name) jvfoto@sympatico.ca for the Hasselblad repair. I almost got an M3 DS with the telescoping 50mm Sumtar I think. But The priority is the hassy so maybe next year I’ll finally get my first film Leica hehe. I have my dad’s Canon A-1 in the shop for some CLA. It will be my main 35mm camera and I’ll be using exclusively b&w film, probably TMax and Tri-X or some Ilford. Let me know if you’re planning to part ways with your M6 in the future hehe. I’m waiting for 8 rolls of 120, so if there’s anything worth posting I’ll blog about it. How do I guess blog then, do you just re blog it on your site? The Mamiya 6 is really good and super sharp, at least the one I got to use from a friend. And you can find some good deals on eBay. It was my first experience with a rangefinder.
Thanks for the info! As for my M6, it’ll probably be the only camera besides my M3 that I am keeping forever haha. You’ll be the first to know though, if I plan on selling it. If I could turn back time, I probably would’ve kept my M6 TTL with the 0.85x magnification. I generally like 50mm lenses or ultra wides, so the viewfinder is perfect for me. For the ultra wides, I would need an external anyway. I sold it a long time ago when I bought my M9.
Speaking of, the prices are actually really decent on M6s now. I was tempted by a Wetzlar black version in great condition. I know, I already have an M6 but I can’t help it. I’ve been bitten by the Leica bug a long time ago :).
In terms of guest posting, just contact me through my “Contact Me” page, and I’ll fill you in on the details.
The Canon A-1 is a cool camera. My sister had one a while back. She used it for photo classes, and loved it.