Olympus Pen-F and Various Other Gear Up Soon:
I’m working on my Fuji X-Pro2 review now, and it should be out soon. It’s such a wonderful camera and there’s just so much to say about it. Of course, nothing is perfect, so there are some issues but overall, now that I’ve returned it, I really miss it. Anyway, I just got a knock on the door from my local UPS delivery woman, and I got some REALLY cool stuff that I thought I’d share with all of you real quick. For one, I just received the new Olympus Pen-F in the mail, and while I’ve done a couple of Fuji vs. Olympus comparisons, this will be my first Olympus product that I review. I’m really excited about this. As I mentioned in the past few months, I have plans of expanding this site and including various other manufacturers’ products, and I think the Pen-F is a perfect way to start. It also doesn’t hurt that the Pen-F feels and looks awesome!
Since this will be my first Olympus review, I thought I’d go big ;). I received two lenses that I also plan on reviewing. One of them is the Panasonic Nocticron 42.5mm f1.2 ASPH. This lens is quite massive, and probably a little overkill but it’s sure going to be a lot of fun shooting with it :). It’s also built like a tank! It essentially feels like a mini Noctilux! It would be great to see how this lens compares to my Fuji XF 56mm APD, so maybe there will also be a comparison in the future between these two.

Of course, people who follow me on this site know I love my wide angles, so I also received the Olympus M.Zuiko 8mm f1.8 Fisheye Pro. I love fisheyes and I’ll have this one for a while, so I’m hoping to get some cool pictures out of it. Lastly, I’ll be borrowing a few lenses from my brother in-law, who’s a Olympus shooter, to really put the Pen-F through its paces.

One last thing; as you can see in the photos, there’s a leather half case. The leather half case is from Classic Cases over in the UK, and it’s designed for my Leica M 240. It is absolutely beautiful and it’s been on my M for a while now. I’ll be writing up a review for it as well. I’ll also be posting up a Leica 35mm Summicron Version 4 review soon. This is actually my own lens, and I thought this would be a great time to post a review of it, since the new 35mm Summicron ASPH has been released, and people might be looking for older versions.
There will definitely be other posts besides the ones I’ve mentioned (possibly a Fuji XF 100-400mm review sooner or later if I can figure out where I would use such a lens in the city lol) but as of now, I’m just going to get back to finishing up my X-Pro2 review. Thanks for stopping by!
If you want to take a look at the new Pen-F, B&H currently has them in stock black and silver.
Very cool looking camera indeed. The Noctricron although not as fast as a real Noctilux looks quite similar to the original. Big lens but the proportions are ok when you compare them to a Leica with the Nocti 😉
I am looking forward to read articles and reviews of other brands in the future. Shure lots more work for you, but also much more good stuff for me to come back for.
Hi Elderin,
Yes, the Nocticron is smaller but the build is pretty impressive. It may not be as solid as a Noctilux but it almost feels like a mini Noctilux :). I’m always happy to see you around here, and I’m glad to hear you’ll be reading my future articles. It’ll be a lot more work for me but at least I get to try out some new stuff ;). Thanks for stopping by,