Some Camera Porn to Look at: Fuji X-E1 With M-Adapter And 35 Summicron ASPH:
Hey everyone! I will be doing some comparison tests between the Fuji XF primes and zoom but I will also be shooting with this setup right here in these photos. Check it out…who doesn’t like a little camera porn now and then, right? 😉 It’s my Fuji X-E1 with the Fuji M-Mount Lens Adapter, and a chrome 35 Summicron ASPH. This is the first time I actually put the M adapter on to my X-E1, and wow, it not only looks better than the X-Pro1 with the adapter, it also feels a lot smaller. I’m sorry, I know looks have nothing to do with photography but this setup looks cool, and I just wanted to share it! Isn’t that what blogging is all about? 🙂 Size wise, it really feels like an MP, and while you all know how much I love the X-Pro1, this setup here makes the XP1 with the adapter feel huge in comparison. If any of you have ever used a Leica M6 pre-TTL or even an MP, you know what I mean. Plus, the X-E1 has a nice heft to it thanks to the Leica lens but it’s still light, and easy to carry around.

The only thing that I wish I had was a wider angle M lens. I sold my 28 Elmarit ASPH (check out my review) a while ago but I guess it’s ok, since the 35 cron is kind of like a 50mm equivalent on the X-E1. The 50mm focal length just so happens to be my favorite focal length :). I also have a 75 Summilux, which I reviewed, and I tried it out with the X-Pro1 before, and the combo produces awesome images with incredible bokeh!
What else? I will also be posting some more photos from Disney that were taken with the X-Pro1. This week…maybe tomorrow…I will be posting a review of a new camera strap made by Artisan & Artist. Anyway, I hope you all had a good Monday! Take care, and thanks for stopping by!
Nice!, but of course you’d only do this if you already had a Leica and a couple of lenses lying around 🙂
I cannot see anyone buying a Summicron to mount solely on a Fuji?
My preferred RF glass is the Contax G Carl Zeiss.
I have both the 35 F/2 and 90mm F/2.8 and a Metabones adaptor…
Lol! Yes, you’re right, the lens itself can buy three X-E1’s lol :). I sold my M9 for the new M, and I miss using some of my Leica glass. I can see people using some of the Zeiss or Voigtlander glass more…well, maybe even some of the used Leica glass out there but even that can be pretty expensive depending on what you buy. Right now, I’m really loving the results I get with the X-E1 and 75 Lux combo but I find it so hard to focus sometimes.
The Contax G lenses with the Metabones adapter…sounds really cool. Would love to see some images.
no review?
Hi Gunston,
Thanks for your comment. Sorry, I’ve just been busy these past few months, and I haven’t gotten around to writing up anything decent about it yet. It’s definitely on my list of things to do soon, so stay tuned. I have a Noctilux F1 on loan currently, so I’m hoping to try it out on the Fuji as well. Nice photos on your blog btw.