Fuji X-T20 And XF 50mm f2 R WR Lens Arrive:
Hey everyone! This is just a quick post to mention that I received the Fuji X-T20, and XF 50mm f2 R WR lens to review, and I am definitely excited. I was a huge fan of the X-T10. I love the fact that it had basically all the key essentials that made the X-T1 such a great camera but packaged in an ultra compact body. One of my favorite setups to this day is still the X-T10 and XF 27mm f2.8 combo. The combo has such incredible capabilities but at the same time, it’s almost pocket size! If you would like, check out my X-T10, and XF 27mm reviews.
As for the XF 50mm f2, it looks like a pretty awesome lens. I really like the build, especially when compared to my XF 56mm f1.2 APD. The focus also seems incredibly fast although I still need more testing. I like the lens hood as well. It matches well with the lens in terms of size, and it’s reversible.

So, expect reviews of both the X-T20, and XF 50mm f2 soon. These are just quick pics I took of both items I thought I’d share. By the way, I’m still working on my Leica SL gear reviews as well. I know it’s taking me a long time :). Anyway, thanks for stopping by!
Hi Patrick, it would be great to see some quick shots with the 50 if you get a chance to post. All these new lenses From Fuji look amazing. I’m now thinking of getting an xt2/xt20 with one of these lenses. Have a7ii with a zm sonnar at the moment. While I like that, I’m looking for something different.
Hi Mahesh,
No problem! I will definitely be posting from both the X-T20, and the XF 50mm here, and there before I post my review. I’ll be shooting with it a lot. I’ll try to get something up by the end of the weekend, latest :). Thanks for stopping by!
Hello Patrick,
I will be most interested to hear what you have to say about the XF50mm f/2 lens, as it along with the not yet released XF80mm f/2.8 lens, are in my plans to get for use with my X-Pro2. And in your review, it would be helpful to get your assessment of any differences between the X-T20 & the workings of the X-T2/X-Pro2 bodies relative to the use of this new 50mm lens. I’m assuming that the sensors & processors are the same on all of these cameras, but also don’t know what else may be different that would show up in the use of this lens. Looking forward to your review which I know will be thorough & informative. Cheers,
Hi Jed!
Great to hear from you! I haven’t had this lens for long yet but so far, I’m loving it. Compact, fast…the build quality is decent too. I like the weight of the lens…not too heavy but still enough heft to help balance the camera. I have only used it with the X-T20 so far but I will definitely use it with my X-T2 as well to get the most out of it. I’ll be posting some examples up soon! Thanks for stopping by!